Lower left Quadrant Pain 10 Days Post Op
I am 10 days post op from lap rny. I have developed this burning pain on the lower left side. It feels like I had a novicane injection that never tapers off. Does anyone have any ideas on what this is or how long it will last. Any help would be appreciated. — Tami C. (posted on November 3, 2002)
November 3, 2002
You didn't say if you had lap or open surgery. I personally had open
surgery and experienced a similar pain for several weeks. It started when I
was about 2-3 weeks out from surgery. Felt like it was low on my ribs, and
just slightly toward the front of my body. I asked my surgeon about this,
and she said it was most likely bruising from the surgery. She explained
that the surgeon will literally put most of thier body weight into trying
to spread your ribs as far apart as possible, in order to get the biggest
working space they can. I think she was right, as after several weeks, it
went away and I haven't had any problems with it since. If you were Lap, I
— Greg P.
November 3, 2002
Doh. You said you were lap. Oh well. Too late at night to be anwering
questions I guess ;)
— Greg P.
November 3, 2002
I know a number of people that have had lap rny. Most of them, including
myself, experienced this pain. It has to do with the largest of the
incisions. It should just gradually go away over the next six to eight
— Howard L.
November 3, 2002
Funny; I was just about to post a similar question just to make sure there
were others going through this as well! I am 14 days post-op Lap, and that
pain you are talking about is MURDER! I spoke with my surgeon about it,
and he said it is likely a combination of the internal sutures healing and
bruising from the place where the staple gun was. He said this was likely
the worst pain we would suffer, and that it would last a few weeks. As for
myself, I can tell you that it started about 9 days post op and has
alleviated some, but I've also found that I've stretched (sprained?) some
previously un-used stomach muscles in trying to overcompensate and not
stretch the muscle that hurts so much. Therefore, more of my stomach hurts
now, but its not quite the same searing pain of 5 days ago. I've got a
refill on the darvocet -- and I've found that taking a hot hot bath helps.
Good luck, I just think we need to suffer through this. :)
— Tamara K.
November 4, 2002
If you received heprin shots during your hospital stay to prevent blood
clots it could be the culprit(sp). This was the location they administered
them for me after surgery. Best Wishes...JE-62 lbs.(8-27-02)
— Jennifer E.
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