Does anyone know which type of WLS Rosanne had?

I heard she was unhappy and said the surgery ruined her life and she is always sick. It scares me, I'm still waiting for approval and this kind of stuff makes me re-think, AM I MAKING THE RIGHT DECISION???    — Kelly* P. (posted on October 23, 2002)

October 23, 2002
She introduced Dr Fobi on TV as her surgeon. One wonders if her band has eroded, hence the vomiting NOW vs when she was "new". I wonder if she's been back to see him and be checked?
   — vitalady

October 23, 2002
Rosanne has the Fobi pouch...BUT please remember, she DOES NOT FOLLOW THE PROGRAM!! She has admitted she eats whatever she wants and in amounts that she wants...hence, the vomiting. Rosanne has never followed the rules, her entire career has been built around breaking rules (remember her rendition of our National Anthem at the baseball game?) and she has flitted from one neurosis and psychosis to another, depending on what was the "popular" disorder of the moment...don't measure any part of this surgery based on Jack Russell Terrier would do better. Have a sparkling Day!! ~CAE~
   — Mustang

October 23, 2002
I saw her introduce a doctor on TV back in the summer of 1998. The doctor was black and from California. Why do I think she had the LAP-RNY? Guess I am wrong.
   — Steve B.

October 23, 2002
Don't base anything on that woman! She was on Entertainment Tonight last week and flat out said she's a medical mystery because she "beat this surgery". She hasn't had problems, she just eats whatever she damn well wants and her body tolerates it. She only lost 70 pounds...
   — stacey L.

October 23, 2002
I also read where she said that "Nobody over 25 really likes sex anyway, they just feel obligated." I think that shows how much credence you can put in what she says!
   — Susan A.

October 23, 2002
Kelly, as everyone else has said having WLS is a life long committment. If you seriously want to change your life for the better and are willing to work to make it happen then GO FOR IT, GIRL!! In my humble opinion, Rosanne thought she was going for a "quick fix" and didn't seriously want to change her life. Her insecurity is the trademark of her comedy. In the real world we want to be healthy FOR LIFE.
   — LLinderman

October 24, 2002
Ditto to what everyone else has said. Roseanne is a marvelous and creative commedienne. But everything else in her life is presented in a way to get her headlines, and always in a very negative way. Wish I had some of her money, though.........
   — Arlene S.

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