I am scared! I am starting to gain weight!!

Hi, I had my surgery almost a year ago on Oct. 26th 2001. I have lost 112lbs. I am getting real scared though...I don't get the stiffling fullness that I experienced for quite some time...I can't seem to keep away from tootsie rolls, bit o honey, and some hard candies like werthers. I am so scared because I put on 8 pounds this past week!! I am such a failure...I want that stiffling feeling I used to get when I would eat too much, or the sick feeling I would get when I would eat sweets..I can't seem to stay away from them....I am so scared that I am going to gain the weight back. Do you think maybe I have streatched my stomach because I dont' feel full like I once did? Does anyone else find themselves going back to old eating patterns? I don't know what to do as far as staying away from "bad" foods. In the beginning, the surgery helped me to stay away from them, now it almost seems as though I haven't had the surgery....HELP!!    — Lisa B. (posted on October 18, 2002)

October 17, 2002
LISA the only way i have heard to get back on track that works is to go to CLEAR liquids only for 48 hours....Then eat ONLY animal protiens,,,like meat eggs cheese seafood NO CABRS at all for 1 week,,,, you might need a stool softener for a bit but they are cheap at walmart.....AFTER one week add a 2 cup salad of RAW veggies then do this with the protiens only for 2 more weeks the higher the protiens the less your going to crave the carbs and being so far out make SURE you get between 1/2 and a whole gallon of water a day.....NO juices oee sugar drinks of ANY kind and beware of friut til closer to goal.....If you follow this you WILL go back into ketosis,,the stage of rapid weightloss....YOU CAN do this,,,if you could make it thru the surgery and loose over a hundred pounds your NOT a failure you just need to reexamine and change the eating from here on out....You WILL make this work xoxoxoxoxoxoxox bbd
   — BBD

October 17, 2002
OK, darlin' help me to understand a few things.....I read your profile and you have documented the basic commandments of WLS success. Are you following them? Are you getting water? It sounded from your updates that you don't enjoy exercise, so are you following through with actually doing say 20 minutes of some type of exercise every day? Now, tough question - why are you even buying sweets? You know that your pouch is a tool only and not going to be foolproof right? So why not provide yourself with things to chew that are not sugar, like jerky? It sounds like you need to address why the cravings are there and address that. Keep a food diary that notes how you are feeling when you eat, it has been proven that WLS patients who use diarys are more successful. You are past the 'honeymoon' because your pouch doesn't restrict you like it did the first year. This is now the time that your good habits become necessary. You are NOT a failure! You have made amazing progress towards recovery and should be proud of yourself. Now is the time to get back to your program that helped your loose 112pds in a year. We are all rooting for you!
   — Susan F.

October 17, 2002
Hi. Don't beat yourself up over 8 pounds. You can take control of this and lose the weight again. I'm 5 and a half monts post op and have lost 100 pounds. Unlike most post ops, I have never dumped and I can eat all the sweets I want(but I don't of coarse). So I know how you feel when you say you want that full/sick feeling. I often wish for it too. But everytime I feel like I'm failing, I go back to the basics. I count my calories and protien. I know it sounds simple, but weight loss is no big mistery. If you burn more calories than you take in, you'll lose weight. Unfortunately, it'll take some self control (something I have very little of). You have lost 112 pounds which means that you are no failure. I know it's easier said than done, but you can do it! Gook luck.
   — Sarah K.

October 17, 2002
first of all, up that water. 8 Pounds in a week is a little high (I know, we gain weight faster then others), but my guess is that alot is fluid retention. Increasing your water will help get rid of that. And, as far as candy goes...stop buying it!! Stop going by the persons desk at work that has them instead!! Good Luck, you have lost so much weight, i know htat you can turn this around!!
   — Vicki L.

October 17, 2002
Lisa: I am only 10 months post op but I too no longer have that stuffed feeling when I eat a meal. Also I have never dumped from eating candy or sugar. Moreover, I crave chocolate covered peanut M&M's. However, I use moderation in my eating of the forbidden foods. Don't beat yourself up if you ocassionally slip and eat that forbidden food. Just get back into the old routine the next day and go on with your life. There is a web site I am going to send to you that has a lot of useful advise and techniques to help you feel full. It is this is where the pouch rules for dummies is located and I have used the techniques suggested here to overcome the above mentioned habits. Please download this and keep it handy for easy reference. Another techniques I use is to eat high bulk low calorie foods after I get in all my protein I eat fruit. This gives me a feeling of fullness without a lot of calories and it is good for us too. If you have any further questions you can contact me at [email protected].
   — Howard W.

October 18, 2002
Lisa, I have only knowingly eaten sugar once and that was in the hospital (not related to the surgery) and I asked for a sugar free popsicle and they gave me a regular one. I dumped, thank goodness. I made up my mind when I had the surgery that I wouldn't try candies, etc to see if I could tolerate them. I don't even eat the sugar free candies because they are so full of calories and no food value. The surgery will only work if you let it. I know that sugar was a weakness for me and I'm afraid, like an alcoholic, if I start back with it, I won't be able to stop. Now, that is me. We are all different. I suspect you might have to try to find some inner strength and stay away from the candy until you get back on track. As far as quantity is concerned, yes the pouch does stretch some. It is supposed to. I can eat much more now, but I think I've used the last 10 months to retrain myself in what I'm eating. I know that I will never be one of those who can eat anything and not gain. But I've lived almost 11 months with out sugar and junk food - I will do my best to live the rest of my life without it. Can you try doing something else when you have the urge to eat candy - like take a walk or something? I found myself eating too many crackers and I gave them all away. If they aren't around, I can't eat them. I hope I didn't sound preachy - that was not my intent. I feel your pain and I wish you the best of luck in overcoming this setback. Like the previous poster said, don't beat yourself up over it - just try to go forward.
   — Patty_Butler

October 18, 2002
Lisa have you tryed sugerless hard candy's and chocolate's. I love to chew gum and Orbit is the best it has a long lasting flavor.
   — charanewme

October 18, 2002
I had the same problem last year around Halloween. You might try what worked for me: Eat ONLY protein for breakfast (if I eat carbs first I crave them all day), up your protein (I went to 100 grams a day) and cut out the white carbs (refined sugars, white bread, rice, potatoes, pasta) replacing them with veggies, fruit, and whole grain stuff. I don't know if it will work for everybody, but it sure got me back on track. I wouldn't worry too much over the 8 pounds, as it is probably water weight, but more about the tendency to snack on candy/sweets. I have problems with that myself and I know it is hard to avoid it. Just don't buy the darn things! And give out crayons, markers, and stickers for Halloween so you don't bring candy into the house.
   — ctyst

October 18, 2002
How many g non-milk protein supplement are you taking in a day? If you're already doing 60g supplement, for example, you can add another 30g, and another 8 oz of water. I often drink my protein just before a meal to cut the volume. If you're already doing 90g, add another 30g. When I get attacked by the munchies, I attack the protein, every few hours as needed til I get back on top of it. Scares me to death, too. I DID gain 6# by messing with sugar. Fortunately, I got it back off when I grabbed me by the scruff of the neck & shook me. "Buy bigger clothes?" I said to me? NO WAY.
   — vitalady

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