Worried/bone marrow bio

vcOkay, I feel as if I am on an emotional roller coaster and boy do I want to get off! My surgery date is October 15 and boy am I excited. I am supposed to start my pre-op stuff somewhere around the 23rd of September. Then the coaster starts rolling again, I have been going to a hematologist because of high blood platelets and now after a zillion blood tests and major iron supplements and vitamin c, They really dont know why they are still high, I guess the doctor wants to rule out everything, So now he wants me to have a bone marrow biopsy, which of course scares me completely, I did ask him if i can still have my WLS and he thought it would be okay, but wants the results back before I have it, I am definitely not having fun! I still am counting down to my surgery date cause that is the only hope I have right now. I want to be knocked out completely and have it done along with my WLS Is that to much to ask for! I am now so worried that I wont even pass my pre-op tests, Everything was going so good, now everything seems to be going down hill, My nerves are shot! Any suggestions? should I still take my iron which I am taking 325 mg three times a day?    — Diane S. (posted on September 18, 2002)

September 19, 2002
Diane, I would suggest you have the biopsy done first. I know they are not fun and they hurt like hell, I can't lie about them. I had one done. My counts where high also, but it came out negative thank God for that. They thought I had leukemia(spelling). I knew I didn't they never did figure out why so high, but it came down after a few months, and was well. Well enought for me to donate my bone marrow to my brother. All will be well for you, but I would do it and get it over as soon as possible. I hope it all works out for you. NO I mean I know it will all work out for you. Positive thoughts all the way. Happiness...Maryellen
   — Maryellen C.

September 20, 2002
More of a question than an answer- I thought it was a problem if the platelets were LOW not high. At least this is what my dad was recently told when his labs came back. His doc said that if they remained low he would have to have a bone marrow biopsy to check for leukemia. Rather confusing, eh?
   — LLinderman

October 1, 2002
BONE MARROW WAS CANCER FREE! Doing the happy dance NOW! Thank you for everyones support!
   — Diane S.

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