Okay, this is for the smokers,please non-smokers don't criticize

I just can't seem to quit smoking, my surgery is in less then 3 weeks, I have cut down, has anyone who smoked up till their surgeries have any input? My surgeon doesn't seem too bothered by me smoking.With all the stress of this, it is just so hard to go cold turkey.    — Vicki M F. (posted on August 29, 2002)

August 29, 2002
I am 7 weeks post op (down 49 lbs) and smoked up until the morning of surgery. During my pre op breathing test they scored me almost as high as you can score, so apparently it hasn't effected my lung capacity at this stage. I was warned that after surgery I would cough and it would be painful. This was untrue in my case. I was made to cough and do my breathing exercises every couple of hours and it was no struggle. Of course these factors vary person to person depending on general health, amount you smoke, ect... I am in no way suggesting you go against your doctors rules, just telling you my experience. Smoking caused no side effects or complications for me. My surgeon says I am textbook and one of his superstars!!! Good Luck to you! Tonya
   — Tonya H.

August 29, 2002
Vicky, I smoked up untill the day before surgery and had no complications either. My oxygen levels were a little low, but didn't require any special treatment. I hope that you wont give up trying to quit, but I know how difficult it is. Best of Luck to you.
   — Missy M.

August 29, 2002
Ok, I smoke and wish i didnt. So with that being said..... I quit smoking 30 days before my surgery. I have had surgery more times than i care to mention and this was the only one I quit smoking for. I can honestly say that my recovery was no different from this one than any others. I'm sure recovery is easier for non smokers than smokers, but then so are most things physical. I dont think that a month or two smoke free will make a difference in recovery, a year yeah. There are risks with know as well as I do that smoking is not good for us, but we do it anyway. Same as being overweight.......
   — RebeccaP

August 29, 2002
I tapered down for about two weeks and then I quit cold turkey about a week before surgery. Used nicotine gum until surgery. After the surgery, you're in the hospital and they really frown on smoking at that time. So that's a good 4 days cold. After you get home, just make sure ALL the smoking stuff is GONE when you get home and blame your withdrawl symptoms on the surgery. Take walks and remember that you are trying to GET HEALTHY! Now that I'm 6 months out, I've started occationally to have one here and there. Yeah, I'm playing with fire. But at least I'm not smoking a pack a day like I used to. Hope that helps. You don't have to be a martyr, just be as healthy as you can stand.
   — Carolynn J.

August 29, 2002
I quit smoking completely only about two days before surgery. Like you I cut down for several weeks prior. I used a patch the last week before. If you don't have some kind of respiratory problem right now then you'll probably be fine. My untrained advice is if you want to avoid bad coughs and flem output after surgery then it would be good to not smoke for a couple days before surgery. I think all people have some flemy coughs after surgery, but it will be all the worse if you had a smoke the morning before. I also think they ask you to quit because they don't want your withdrawl symptoms to be present while you are also recovering from surgery. After surgery I did fine and I also didn't smoke for almost two months. It's a great opportunity to quit smoking and I wish I could have stayed with it. Try to quit, but for sure keep cutting down to the bare minimum and see if you can abstain for a couple days before to clear up your lungs for the anesthesia. P.S. I'm not a DR. but I play one in bed.
   — Scott L.

August 29, 2002
I smoked crossing the parking lot headed to the Surgery Center.......... I had cut down to a few a day ... Let me tell you...... you have to cough after surgery and with cigs they cause phlem... it was so hard my oxygen levels were very low scared me to death luckily I came out of surgery a non smoker 33 years 2 pack a day smoker and for some crazy reason my mind and body hated the taste and smell of cigs cut down try the best you can Kathy
   — Kathleen M.

August 29, 2002
I will not have surgery until next year in March..anyhow Iam trying to quit now so that my lungs will be nicotine free for awhile.. Try Arriva,smokeless tobacco, I have taken it with me when a absolutely had to have a cig,,hospitals..It still has the nicotine but not the smoke..i know the manufacturer claims it is not an aide to quit smoking,,But it helps me...try it...
   — Micky G.

August 29, 2002
Vicki: I am a non-smoker, but not a judgmental one. I know how hard it can be to quit any habit cold turkey! Just to give you some insight on how hard it is to breathe post op, though ... I have never smoked a day in my life, and I could hardly breathe at all post-op. It was like my lungs had just shut down. They made me suck air out of this horrible mechanism that measures your lung capacity, and it hurt so bad! I had to do it once an hour for all the hours I was awake. Came down with a minor lung infection my 2nd day post-op ... doc thought it was minor pneumonia. Anyway, all my ramblings lead me to one key point: if there is ANY way that you can quit smoking (or at least cut WAY back) before your surgery, you will be SOOO glad that you did. It will make your recovery so much more smooth, and you will feel so much better. If you need to go back to smoking after your surgery, that's understandable, but please see if you can abstain for these next few weeks to let your lungs prepare for the surgery. Good luck!
   — Terissa R.

August 29, 2002
Vicky, Bless your heart. I too smoked walking to hospital. My oxygen levels were fine however....You must remember to use that spirometer alot prior..You might even put them down. I had no problems and did not want a smoke for 10 days after surgery. But....Back to the habit. Good luck, and try and quit!! I wish I had. Mary
   — Mary H.

August 30, 2002
I smoked right up to surgery time. I was over 400 pounds and in surgery for over 9 hours and suffered no problems because it. I did stay off cigarettes for 3 months after surgery, then like a fool went back to it. Now I am trying to quit again. good Luck
   — C. L.

August 30, 2002
I smoked right up to the hospital door. In fact, I think I smoked close to a full pack on the drive to the hospital. Well, thanks to those darling cigarettes, my lungs collapsed during surgery and I had to have respiratory therapy for a full week in the hospital. I quit smoking for five months and, like an idiot, started again. I just keep thinking that the cost of cigarettes each month is more than our car payment - now that's sad!
   — Diane C.

August 31, 2002
hi i too smoke my surgeon required to stop atleast 2 weeks before surgery. i did but it was hard especially being nervous. another thing i did was a bought a bag of baloons and would blow them up for lung exercise. post op i had no lung or breathing problems. i was able to stay quit for 3 weeks post op because the higher risk of blood clots with a smoker scared the hell out of me 3 weeks was all i could handle especially not eating , not drinking any pop i needed something so i went back to the smokes
   — carrie M.

September 2, 2002
I too tried to quit pre op...I was on and off the wagon the 6 months prior to the surgery...I was only able to quit 2 days before..not much of a help...I do admit that I was scared that I didn't quit..but with my nerves, the changes that I was making in my diet pre-op, giving up coffee, I just couldn't handle quitting smoking too..I think I would have been a raving does increase the risks of complications including blood clots..I thank god that I was fortunate enough to have a textbook surgery..I would recommend trying to quit now..better safe than sorry...
   — Trish R.

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