Anyone had preop echocardiogram and found you have

I haven't had an echo yet but because I was on phen-fen for about 5 months and I just found out that I have to have an echo done pre-op. I'm concerned that if they find this condition(because I have many of the symptoms) it will interfere with me having my surgery. I just started feeling better about my decision and now another obstacle. What long term effects does this have on your heart? Thanks for your patience with my many questions and always thanks for your support.    — denisel (posted on August 29, 2002)

August 29, 2002
I also took phen-phen. I just had my stress ECHO today. Everything was fine. I did not have any symptoms or any problems. If they do find something it does not mean you can't have the surgery. You may have to take different precautions than others. And if something is really wrong Thank God it was found. Most thing when known can be taken care of. It's the unknown that would scare me. Hang in there. MM
   — blank first name B.

August 29, 2002
Never took Phen-Phen but was told years ago that I have a heart murmur (many women do and never know it). My surgeon requested an echocardiogram to be sure there wasn't excessive leakage of blood around the area of the valve. Everything was o.k. and my surgery went as expected.
   — LLinderman

August 29, 2002
I took Redux and do have a heart murmer and irregular heartbeat, so the insurance company required the echo. I'm not so sure that it was caused by Redux. I had to do the same thing 2 years ago when I had a Hysterectomy and a second surgery 6 months later. It's really not a problem for me. They just started me on antibiotics prior to the surgeries and I never had any complications. Hope your echo goes well, let us know.
   — Sabra_D

August 29, 2002
Hi!..I took Phen-Fen for over a year. My doctor ordered cardiac clearance just to make sure everything was ok..When I went for EKG showed I had taken a silent heart attack at some point. A thallium stressed was ordered which I just had on Monday. Happy to report that everything went heart is fine and no heart attack was found. I know these tests are frightening and I was very VERY worried about the outcome..But thank God my doctor ordered them. I now have peace of mind and you will to!.. Email me please if you have any questions or concerns! ~Traci~
   — Traci A.

August 30, 2002
I (very briefly) took Phen-fen, I also have a congenital heart murmur, and arrythmia (my heart speeds up when I breath in, and slows down when I breathe out) and of course, my echo came back slightly abnormal. All I needed was cardiac clearance from my PCP, another common thing is that they order a stress test. P-F rarely causes VERY serious heart problems, and as long as you seem healthy, it is very unlikely you will have to postpone/cancel surgery.
   — Heather K.

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