has anyone had the laproscopic RNY that had an open gallbladder removal?

i am worried that i will not be able to have a lap RNY because of that and also have had a myomectomy..which is removal of fibroids from my uterus...please let me know    — Debbie D. (posted on August 28, 2002)

August 28, 2002
Hi there, I had lap on April 12 2002. I to was very worried about lap verses open. I have had three previous tummy surgerys including a total and complete hysterectomy (SP). I was so worried and to Doctor kept telling me that they do not go down there. He was right. I hope everything goes well.Sarah
   — sarah C.

August 29, 2002
Hi, I had open gallbladder surgery approximately 12 yrs ago. My surgeon wasn't sure if he'd be able to do lap RNY or not but he was able to cut through the scar tissue and do it that way. I would ask my surgeon what he/she thinks. I just wanted to let you know it IS possible, it just depends on lots of things like how much scar tissue you have, that sort of thing :-D Good luck! ~Dana
   — rubymoonca

August 29, 2002
My mom just had the lap rny done on 8-23-02 and she had open gallbladdar and appendectomy about 15 years ago. The surgeon said it was no problem and usually isn't with that type of surgery he said that any surgery to do with female organs tend to leave more scar tissue and can be a problem for lap. Hope this helps. rk lap rny 4-9-02 84lbs
   — Robin B.

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