I think I'm having galdbladder attacks. Those who have had them remove please respond
Ok I'm four months out and for the past two weeks I have been having extrem pain behind , above and to the left of my bellybotton. Not sure what it is. THe pain can sometimes last a few hours and then it slowly goes away. I take a butt load of Zantac and I also thought it may be gas and been chewing those chewable gas-X. Not sure what to do ,my insurance is going to change the 9th of September. So I want to hold out as long as possible to go to the doctors. Anysuggestion on what his maybe and what I can do. Oh I eat fine. The pain comes before during or after I eat. I has no specific time.Thanks everyone Sarah — sarah C. (posted on August 26, 2002)
August 26, 2002
Sara, my gallblader pain was much higher. It made me feel like I was
having a heart attack and I couldn't breathe. I would not have described
it as anywhere near my belly button. This could be gallblader, but I don't
think you should wait until the 9th to have it checked. Could you have a
bowl obstruction? That sounds more like the pain you describe. That's
serious and needs to be addressed ASAP. Could be a bunch of things, some
serious, some not. If you have a feaver, it could be quite urgent. Please
don't wait too long to get checked out. I'll be worried about you.
— Amber L.
August 26, 2002
I had gallbladder attacks for over a year b4 I found out what they were.
They are under your ribs and the pain generates to your back and its on the
right side not the left. I dont know what your pain is or what could be
causing it but I dont think its the gallbladder. Please dont put off going
to the dr if you are in pain its your body saying something isnt right.
Good luck!~ CM
— Sassy M.
August 26, 2002
— sarah C.
August 26, 2002
That sounds a lot more like my hernia/bowel obstruction pain than the
gallbladder attacks I have had. Have you been constipated too? You should
get this checked out.
— kultgirl
August 26, 2002
hi there, i suffered with gallbladder attacks for 3 years before doctors
found out what it was. my first attack i thought was a heart attack, i was
21 and had been on jenny craig for 1 year when i was 18. they have linked
weight loss to having gallbladder problems later any way went to emergency
room had ultra sound and nothing was found. i was seeing this doctor that
told me to lay off coffee, i dont drink coffee, he then said maybe your
pregnent, i said i dont have a boyfriend, after time with this quack he
basically insinuated it was all in my head so i switched docs and within 1
week he ordered another ultra sound which showed my gallbladder to be
loaded with stones.they tried a stone dissolving med but in the end it had
to be removed any how. well sorry to tell ya my life history lol but the
symptoms at first were bad only if i ate fatty foods, then spicey then
towards the end i was living on saltines and sprite the pain was more in
the upper right which radiated around right side all they way to the back.
it was just awful but when it was removed i was so much better best of luck
to you :)
— carrie M.
August 26, 2002
That does sound like your gall bladder. I was thinking it could be your
appendix, but I think it is on the right side and would be tender to the
touch. Hope all goes well. If you catch it before it gets too bad you can
have it removed by lap and cut down on healing time.
— Sherry A.
August 27, 2002
Hi! This sounds like what I went through as well. But I had no idea what it
was back then. I kept self-medicating the problem over and over again,
until the pain was so horrible I went into shock and my mother had to call
the paramedics.
This will not get better if it is your gallbladder, it will only get worse.
Please see your doctor. Also, my attacks were triggered by what I ate.
Anything spicy, or high in fat can bring on the attacks.
— Dawn M.
August 27, 2002
I had my gall bladder removed when I was 15 yrs old (am 36 now) and I
remember the pain like it was yesterday. It would start in the middle of my
chest, just below my breasts, and radiate around to my back. It was so
intense I would be buckeld over on the floor in a fetal position on my
knees. Rocking back and forth to try to rid it. I thought I was having a
heart attack, and the doc said it feels that way. PLEASE dont hesitate to
go to the doc! It wont get better if that is what it is. OH, it was
triggered by what I ate (eggs and hot dogs REALLY flared it up for
me)within a few minutes of eating it. I had 2 handfulls of the stones. Not
such a lucky 15 yr old I guess ;o(
GO SEE THE DOC!!! God Bless
— Kathy A.
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