has anyone had the rou-en-y and not wanted to eat or drink?

i had surgery on 08/15 and left hosp. 3 days later, now my doctor is threatening to put me back in the hospital for fear of dehydration, i am not but he does not want me to get that way. i have no interest whatsoever in eating or drinking. i have skipped days of eating, and just drank, but to him not enough? has anyone else had this problem, and what did you do about it. i just do not feel hungry or thirsty?    — denise F. (posted on August 23, 2002)

August 23, 2002
Hey Denise- I actually have to remind myself to drink several times each day. I also don't get hungry very often and I wind up just eating because it's time to eat. I am 3 1/2 months out from a LAP RNY and am doing well. You must keep in mind that if you starve yourself you will actually hinder your weight loss because your body will go into "starvation mode" and lower your metabolism in response. As far as keeping hydrated, you'll start feeling dizzy and washed out if you don't drink regularly. In time, this will get better, but take heed to what the doctor is saying and get those cals and water in. Good luck to you! - Mike
   — Michael N.

August 23, 2002
I am 5 wks post-op and there are times that I don't want to eat, but I make sure that I eat every 2 1/2 to 3 hours so I can get 6 meals in a day. If you are only a week post-op, you probably shouldn't be eating anyhow (at least that most post-ops diets at 1 wk look like from what I have seen). You should be concentrating on getting 48-64 oz of fluids in each day. And getting as much protein via drinks such as Ensure Light or another protein drink. <p> You *have* to get the fluids in - otherwise, you will be back in the hospital and on IV fluids.
   — John Rushton

August 23, 2002
Think of your body as a car. To run it you need gas and oil and windshield washer fluid, etc. Food is fuel. Water is lubricant. You need them or your car's gonna end up in the shop! In the beginning, I had to set a timer to remind myself to eat now, drink now, stop drinking, etc. You will get used to it. Enjoy your vacation from your appetite while you have it. The darn thing does come back. :) Just eat what little you have to so you stay out of starvation mode and out of the hospital. As time goes by you will be able to/want to eat more. Good luck and happy losing!
   — ctyst

August 23, 2002
I was the same way for the first 8 weeks after surgery. I was taking in 300 calories a day at most. Then the nausea set in from not eating. You MUST force yourself to eat and drink. Do carnation instant breakfasts (you get the best of both worlds) but you NEED 800 calories a day or you'll be sicker then a dog. I know I was.
   — Patty H.

August 23, 2002
Hi Denise: I had my LAP RNY on 8/15 and while I may not want to eat and drink, I have a husband here who gets in my face and says he loves me and wants me to be well. He took off two weeks to be with me through the initial recovery. We even do a re-cap throughout the day "How much protein have you done today?" and "How much fluid have you drank today?" You have to do it to get well whether of not you want to. Just like the Nike Ad "DO IT!"
   — Cathy S.

August 23, 2002
Hi, I had an open RNY May 9 2002 and am now 15 weeks out and STILL have no desire to eat or drink. I had to buy a watch with an alarm to make me think of eating so I would. I eat maybe twice a day BUT I make sure I drink constantly. I know I am not getting in enough calories but I am trying. If you come up with anything that tastes good please e mail me. Thanks and best to you.
   — Gina D.

August 23, 2002
I wanted to respond as alonger term post-op as most of the posters were within first 6 months or so. I consider it somewhat of a blessing that I still do not feel hunger at 14 months post-op. I eat because I know I need it, when it is time or when a head hunger thing kicks in and something "looks good". It does get better as time goes on and you begin to know you must eat and it isn't so hard.Good Luck!
   — Molly S.

August 23, 2002
Are you kidding? Four weeks out of surgery and I still cannot eat or drink without gagging. It is getting better,though. My doctor said after three months it should be alright. I have a heck of a time getting food into my mouth. Drinks are going in much better, especially tepid water and crystal lite. Protein shake. YUK!!!! Must talk to nutritionist to doctor it up. I do feel thirsty at times but not hungry. It will get better but both of us have to force ourselves to follow the instructions much better. It is for our own good.
   — Lawrence R.

August 24, 2002
I posted a similar question earlier this week..I am 4.5 weeks post op and was doing "ok" eating, but this last week or so it has been a real challenge getting food in..I just haven't felt hungry...I have found that I am eating when I am dragged down into the ground, but still not feeling I make myself's tough, but others are telling me that this is normal..let's hope so! I am down 40+lbs. since surgery on July 15!
   — Trish R.

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