Just a quick question to ask for those of us who haven't surgery yet

Is there something we should do when we come out of surgery to prevent hernia's or is it something that will happen?    — Tina B. (posted on August 19, 2002)

August 19, 2002
Well follow your doctor orders! But in general opens need 2 to 3 months of NO heavy lifting over 20 pounds Even so opens get incisional hernias because the muscle wall is cut in the open procedure. Unfortunately most are not preventable and some get more than one, a unfortunate few repeatedly. <P> Most hernias reported here are from members who had open surgery.<P> LAP it very rare, but can happen. Certinally well under 1%. My surgeon has a rule, no lifting over 20 pounds for a month. Incidently I choose LAP and waited longer for it because my job involves lots of lifting.<P> Some posters question that 30% number, its from my surgeon. But nearly ALL hernias here are from opens unless they have had previous belly surgery. A previous open with a later LAP can bring about a hernia.
   — bob-haller

August 19, 2002
I believe it should be clarified that not ALL people who have Open abdominal surgeries get hernias. Some do - many don't ever get them at all. Just be very careful with your lifting and straining for a few months. You could be easily be one of the ones who never gets a hernia. I've had nine abdominal surgeries in 17 years. I got hernias with three of them and in two of those cases, the hernia did not occur until three or four years after the surgery.
   — Cathy J.

August 19, 2002
My surgeon informed me that there is nothing you can do to actually prevent them, pre-surgery, but exercise and stomach strengthening will help with the surgery and recovery in general. However, he said not all people get them, there is no way to tell. I'll give you one plus though- if you get a hernia it's your ticket to some insurance paid cosmetic surgery, because they can go in and repair the hernia and give you a little tummy tuck at the same time. In fact, my surgeon does not repair known hernias before surgery so that they can be done afterward with a tummy tuck. Now dont go out and get yourself one- because they are not fun! But, my point is, dont worry to much about them. Every cloud has a silver lining.

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