Terrified of stress test - what happens if you fail?

If you fail the stress test, can you not have surgery? I never had a stress test and I'm so scared. I'm more afraid of the stress test than the surgery itself! I want to get over this hurdle so I can move forward with getting my insurance approval.    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on August 4, 2002)

August 4, 2002
I wish I knew, I'm going thru the cardiolite ctress test right now. I took the first half on Friday, go back for thr 2nd half on Monday. What are they looking for?????????
   — Diane H.

August 4, 2002
Diane, Thanks for responding. I'll be praying that all works out for you. :-] CYB
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 4, 2002
The test is for our safety! It could show a blockage, in which case they might do a futher test and open the blockage with a stent or decide medication is in order. Its best to know whats up before surgery rather than to find out while your on the table. I wporried a lot about this and it turned out to not be a problem...
   — bob-haller

August 4, 2002
Just had my stress test 2 weeks ago. It really was not that bad. The doctor took my blood pressure several times in a lying, sitting, and standing position. Then they attached the ekg machine to my upper chest. Just several stickers and it was attached to a box the size of a personal cassette player. The ekg prints out a paper strip of the beats and rhythms of your heart on a seperate machine. The test begins by walking slowly on a treadmill. After a designated number of minutes they inform you 30 seconds prior that the treadmill will increase in speed and the incline will be steeper. They told me that when I have had enough and was getting winded just let them know and the test would end. They took my blood pressure twice while walking. I explained that I did not exercise at all and that I had arthritis in my knees and ankles. The stress test had 4 levels. My test ended at the end of the 2nd level. I do not know what happens if the tests are unfavorable. Your cardiologist will talk with you about the results. Fortunately I was ok on all cardio tests: stress, echo, and a seperate ekg. Good luck with the stress test and don't be worried. It's not that difficult.
   — Cindy M.

August 4, 2002
Hi Calandra-I just happened to notice on your profile that you were a higher BMI like I have. I'm not sure of your weight but just wanted to say that you should double check with your family doctor and/or the facility that will be performing your stress test to see if you are even able to get one done. I was scheduled to do a stress test back in June and when I went to the appointment, the doctor who was to do the test told me he couldn't perform it due to my weight being too high. Apparently there is a law in Michigan that stress tests can not be performed on patients over 350 pounds because the stress that is put on your heart and body during has been known to cause some people more problems than can be detected by this test. I'm not sure if there is such a law in NY, but I would check just to make sure so you don't have to make a wasted trip.
   — ImANewDee

August 4, 2002
Diane - I just wanted to let you know that you are having a different kind of stress test. A cardiolyte (or cardiolite) stress test invloves being injected with a nuclear dye one day, and they take pictures (kind of like a cat scan machine) then when you come back (I've never heard of anyone splitting over the weekend however) the hook you up to the heart monitors and then they inject you with a substance that stress your heart (not too bad, but like if you were able to do the walking kind) it is a very weird feeling. I had one done last year because of PVC's and I about crawled right off the table!! Takes your breath away and gave me a migraine!! It dialates everything open is why I think it feels so strange. Please keep in mind, my results were negative!! If you are a positive stress, it's supposed to make you feel like you had the big one! (but you really don't) it's just done to see how your heart reacts and shows if you have any arrhythmias or AV blocks. I would be happy to e-mail you the interpertation of the procedure the doctor wrote if you want it. Just contact me [email protected]. I had this type done because I have problems with my ankle and I had actually injured my shoulder at the same time, so my PCP figured it would be easier than walking on the treadmill. The treadmill stress tests are done by my department by the way (where I work at)! :)
   — Terri Z.

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