Does any one have any experiance with the department of managed heath care?

I was denied by Kaiser and am now working with the department of Managed Health Care to get denial over turned I was wondering how many people have gone throught them and what there suceess rate is. Any input appricated thanks Kathy    — kathy B. (posted on August 1, 2002)

August 1, 2002
Hi Kathy, I had a IMR with the DMHC! Kaiser's denial was overturned. The DMHC is the best. If you meet NIH guidelines you will get approved. Check out Type "Obesity" in the search line and you will see the outcomes of all the IMR decisions. You will find most WLS are overturned and the ones that are not are usally upheld for "type of surgery" rather than approving WLS. Look at and you will see of all Med necessary IMR's 2/3 are upheld and 1/3 are overturned. However at one point I counted all WLS decisions and all but 2 were overturned. Odds are in your favor, especially if you fit NIH guidelines. Best wishes.
   — ERICK B.

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