What to do if PCP is trying to stall by saying that they want to try other things?

Ok I researched and researched and I found a doctor that I wanted to do my surgery. One problem, he was not in the circle of hospitals where my current primary care physician works. So I then chenged PCPs. When I let the new doctor know that I needed to have this proceedure and she said that she wants to do monthly checkups and try other meathods of weight loss before giving me a referal. This really fustrated me because I finally find something that is going to improve and practically save my life and she wants to use me an experiment. I dont like to have to defend my position on this subject especially if it is to someone who hasn't walked in my shoes. So I have another appointment with her next month meanwhile I have already submitted by preliminary questionairre to my surgeon's office. I already put her name down as my PCP. Any thoughts as to how I should handle this?    — Teekay80 (posted on July 23, 2002)

July 23, 2002
Just when I began this journey, my pcp for the last 6 years left the clinic that I am currently going to. I was devasted, I thought I would have to start over, but when I made an appt. with this new Dr. I came prepared, I had all my diet history (plus that in my records) and I let her know that this was the correct decision for me. Don't give up, if this Dr. is not the Dr. for you find another one. Part of the emotional problems we have comes from people that wonder if we have tried "everything". They mean well, but I is such devastation to us. Good Luck in your journey.
   — Dana B.

July 23, 2002
This is a very serious procedure and can really wreak havoc on your body. Your PCP is just watching out for your best interests. Give her the benefit of the doubt and try her other ideas. You shouldn't rush into getting WLS until you're SURE that everything else has failed. If your PCP sees you giving your honest best and then fail again, I'm sure she'll be supportive wherever she can.
   — Terissa R.

July 23, 2002
tell your new pcp that no referral now means your leaving... Call your surgeon and ask for a WLS friendly PCP. You will likely get better PCP care if the doc is experienced with post ops. Surgeons know who sends them referals. Or better yet attend some support group meetings and ask///
   — bob-haller

July 23, 2002
Do you have a written record of your diet history? If so, show it to the new PCP as proof that you have tried other methods of weight loss. If you do not have a diet history, well, most insurance companies require one before they will approve this surgery. Also, a PCP referral is not always needed for insurance purposes. It wasn't for me, so check into that.
   — Cindy R.

July 23, 2002
I agree with Bob 100%. If you have thoroughly researched WLS, and YOU ARE SURE that this is what you want, then by all means, tell your present PCP "see ya later". Then I would look for a PCP that is "WLS-friendly". In the event you have to "defend" your position on WLS, be "armed" with statistics, and REALLY do your homework! I thought I was going to have to really stand up for myself with my PCP, but he knows how I am--when I research, I RESEARCH!! I was given information I consider TOTALLY ACCURATE from this website and others (links) and when I had an appointment with him back in September 2001, I had ALL of the information AND I'd even composed my own Medical Letter of Necessity~~asked him to sign it or copy it on his office letterhead and BAAAAMM...shot it straight to my surgeon (who by the way is out-of-network for my insurance) Meanwhile, back at the ranch, while this new PCP is wanting to do monthly check-ups, how is your health and patience? If you are determined that this is what you want, don't let anything or anyone stop you, and above all~~~PRAY for guidance~~~Hadiyah
   — yourdivaness

July 23, 2002
You can't expect a doctor who has never seen you before to recommend surgery on the first visit! However, you owe it to yourself to do what is best for you NOW and it sounds like you need to give the doctor all the information and tell her to give you a referral or you'll find someone who will. Good luck to you!
   — Angie M.

July 23, 2002
My MO PCP was VERY against and ignorant about WLS. He would make fun of it at every appointment, treating it as if it was a type of insurance fraud that benefits only the doctors. While he denied constantly that it EVER worked, he also maintained the position that it is "the easy way out because you just lay back and let someone fix you". The worst part of this is that he was charging me $45 per week (I had a $20 copay) to check my blood pressure and adjust medications. All while he was hostile and condescending. One Friday I went in for my appointment and somehow he wasn't there. Oddly, my blood pressure was normal. I went to my preop physical elsewhere -- low blood pressure at that one. I dropped my blood pressure meds immediately and have had good BP since my surgery -- 9 weeks post, down 41. Never ASSUME that a PCP has your best interests in mind. You may be lucky and have one, but don't let someone tell you that ALL have your best interests in mind. Not so.
   — Karen F.

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