Possible hernia after WLS w/TT?
I am having a pain in my middle left abdominal area. It seems to be bothering me when my abdominal muscles expand, like to stand up or bending. I had a TT at the same time as my WLS. Could I have just pulled a muscle or would this be a hernia? My abdomen is not distended and there is no protrusion at the area where the pain is. I am going to get it checked on Wed. I hope it is not a hernia, I am pretty much all healed and dont really want to get surgery again. (8 weeks post op) — Michell C. (posted on July 1, 2002)
July 1, 2002
You didn't mention if your WLS was open or laparoscopic. I spoke with the
RN at my surgeon's office this evening. I've just recently been getting a
sharp cramp about 2-3 inches to the left of my incision (open RNY), and
about 6 inches from the top of my incision. It happens when I cough,
laugh, breath deeply, or bend over to shave my legs. The RN asked me if I
have a fever, which I don't. She asked if it felt firm, which it doesn't.
She said not to worry, that it sounds like the muscles are healing, and
there are nerves through there (thus, the quick stab-like jolts). She told
me to use a heating pad on it several times tonight and advised me to take
a 200 mg. Advil with my dinner, one again tomorrow with breakfast and a
third one tomorrow evening with dinner and that should relieve the
inflammation of the muscles. (Yes, Advil that we're not supposed to take
after WLS.) Anyway, sorry to ramble on. Just hoping to help. By the
way...I am also 8 weeks post-op.
— Jennifer A.
July 1, 2002
I went through something similar after I had my TT, which I received a year
after my bypass. I saw a small lump in the left upper abdomen which was
about 3 months post-op. My surgeon seemed to think it was just swelling and
we kept an eye on it. But about 6 months later it was causing me discomfort
and I kept wearing my binder for extra support. As I was lying down in bed
I felt a type of "hole" into which I could gently push the lump
into. Being a nurse, I knew for sure it was a hernia. My plastic surgeon
ordered a CT scan which revealed a hernia- and a fair sized one at that. So
I went into surgery a month later and they found that a good part of my
intestines had gotten through the opening. They closed it up and after a
while I was feeling better. I probably contributed to causing the hernia by
going back to work to soon after the previous surgery. I learned my lesson
and was more careful. I also continue to wear a binder to work, just in
— Barbara D.
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