Has anyone had a problem with a red rash on their calves?

I've had a red rash on the front of my calves for years. My PCP says its from the weight causing poor blood circulation. I am down 53 pounds so far and had hoped that the rash would fade. My PCP says it may never go away. Does anyone know of something I can put on it?    — Jana C. (posted on June 29, 2002)

June 29, 2002
I think I know what you're describing. It may LOOK like a rash, but it isn't. This is skin discoloration from diminished peripheral vascular circulation. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can put on it that will change the coloration. But you do want to take care of this skin with a good lotion so that it stays lubricated and soft. This is important because skin discolored from poor circulation is at greater risk for poor healing should it become injured (and dry skin injures more readily.) You may want to consult with a vascular specialist who may be able to prescribe a treatment that would improve the circulation to your lower extremities, which MAY, in turn, improve the appearance of your legs. Best of luck to you. JK, RN
   — Joya K.

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