Continual vomiting with solids and liquids? For the past 10 days?
I had an upper GI yesterday and the radiologist said that SOME fluid was going through my stoma, but just a little bit and very slowly. Then he doesn't put that in his report! Aaarrggghhh! I am still vomiting liquids and solids. If it's solids, sometimes many hours later I continue to bring it up. How do you convince the medical community you have a problem when you encounter stuff like this? — NicoleG (posted on June 22, 2002)
June 22, 2002
How far out are you? And does your surgeon know? My surgeon wants to know
right away if I have increasing difficulty with food, b/c if you wait too
long, it's very difficult to get the endoscope thru the stricture to dilate
it. Call and tell surgeon what the radiologist told you and possibly he
can call and clarify. Speak up!!!
— dibie1221
June 22, 2002
Call the surgeon, the prev. poster is correct, he would want to know! It
sounds like a stricture, and that needs to be taken care of ASAP. You will
get dehydrated if not taken care of and end up being admitted like I did
when I had my stricture and waited too long. Good luck.
— Cheri M.
June 23, 2002
My surgeon has been out of town for over a week, he'll be back in the
morning. My PCP is also out of town. What rotten luck, I won't be buying
any lottery tickets anytime soon!
— NicoleG
June 24, 2002
They said the exact same thing to me!!!!
The lady that answers the phone also wouldn't let me talk to the surgeon, I
finally called the emergency number to the hospital and they put me thru to
him. I convinced him to get me an endoscopy right away. Now ive had 6 of
— elifritz
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