Wife had endo this morning to look for stricture, found no problem?,

Wife has been in hospital since last friday saying can not swallow, with dry heaves and bad nausea, dr. though she had stricture, endo showed no problem, dr is going to give her food now as well as change meds., any one have similar issuer and what was the next step and outcome?    — Rich C. (posted on June 17, 2002)

June 17, 2002
Changing the meds might do it. I had severe nausea and vomiting in the hospital from the anesthesia. The morphine pump was just aggravating it further. They switched me from morphine to toradol (sp) and I was fine after that. Good luck!
   — GGinMA

August 27, 2002
PATCH IRRITATION.....has anyone else heard of this? Yesterday I really thought I had a stricture. I couldn't hold anything down not even water. I barfed it all up. The doctor on call said I should come into the emergency room but I knew I wasn't dehydrated so I waited til this morning to phone my doctor. Just in case, I tried a giant glass of carrot juice and some soft cheese and no problem. Hurray! I kept it down. The nurse returned my phone call and said to try a solid. I ate a 1/2 of a carbsolution's bar and still no problems. The nurse then told me I probably had a patch irritation. She's had the surgery about one and one half year ago and she said from time to time she gets this too. She recommended when this happens to just drink liquids for the rest of the day and let your stomach rest then try eating food the next day. I never heard of having a patch irritation before and it made me so happy to learn it wasn't a stricture. I was sure I had one cause last night nothing stayed down. What a relief to learn it was something very minor.<br>Just wanted to give you guys a heads up on patch irritations and to be aware of them so you won't be as frightened by them as I was. Thanks.
   — Carmen K.

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