How do I interpret the results of the weight loss calculator on this site?

I may be interpreting this incorrectly. I'm 2 years out and have a loss of 185lbs, now weighing BMI is still a bit over 30 and so still categorizes me as "obese". I think I can lose another 20lbs or so and was looking for help from the weight loss planning calculator but it has confused me. It says to lose 2lbs (or so) a week my diet burden is around 1400 cal...and it asks : "Are you ready to part with that many extra calories?" What confuses me is that I only eat 1500 cal or less per day now...I realize I need to exercise, but even with 30 min of rigorous exercise a day, it calculates my diet burden to be 1200 can I possibly part with 1200 cal..I must have something wrong here. Thanks, Pat    — Patricia C. (posted on June 13, 2002)

June 12, 2002
Hi! I don't understand the calculator online either. The basics of it all is: A pound is 3500 calories. If you want to loose a pound a week and you have been stationary for a while you need to deduct 500 calories from your current intake, or increase your activity to burn that many extra or a combination of both. For 2lbs a week 1000 and so on. I hope that helps!
   — Virginia N.

June 12, 2002
Try It takes into consideration your activity level and exercise level.
   — faybay

June 13, 2002
Patricia, it confuses me too. I think it means 1200 calories a week, not day? Because your right, if we are just eating 1200-1500 a day, how can you cut out 1200? Perhaps we should forward this to the site moderator for a response!
   — Cindy R.

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