HAVE I HURT MYSELF???? I swallowed gum this afternoon and I am only 17 days post op.

I was out with my son today and he offered me sugar free gum. I have not chewed ANY since my surgery May 1st and I hesitated taking it. I did and after a while, even though I kept telling myself not to, I swallowed it without thinking. I am on blended foods still and am so scared. I don't know what symptoms to look for, if I have hurt myself, if my opening will get blocked. me!    — Brenda A. (posted on May 18, 2002)

May 18, 2002
wow this is something you could do try to drink something nice and hot very slow if it is stuff some where this should get it moving
   — Latisha M.

May 18, 2002
Oh you poor thing. How long has it been since you swallowed the gum? My husband swallowed a piece of chicken that he hadn't chewed well enough and about an hour later he was HURTING and wretching. The only thing he could get up was foamy saliva. That was because his stoma was blocked from the chicken. He ended up going to ER because the pain got so bad. All they did for him there was give him pain and nausea meds until they could do X-rays and have the general surgeon check them in the morning. It was stuck in the stoma so they just admitted him and waited for it to pass. It finally did the next day. Please be careful when chewing gum. I am SO aware of this after my husband did that. It was about 10 months out from his WLS. I would say that if you haven't had any symptoms and it has been longer than a couple of hours, you have lucked out. Sure hope so. I have read of others who have had to have it removed with the endoscope.
   — livnliter

May 18, 2002
wow I did the same thing a couple of weeks ago, I felt a nauseated but then after a few hours i was ok,... if you havent felt any symtoms then i wouldnt worry about it, but do be carefull next time. I now chew 2 peices of gum and make sure i spit it out after a few chews.
   — Deanna Wise

May 28, 2002
My Dr. said "No Gum". If you swallow it you have to get scoped. It might cause a blockage. Call your doc!!
   — S L.

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