Anyone been approved for panni and decided against?

Went to first PS consult yesterday, liked doc and he is putting in for Aetna for an abdominoplasty and breast lift. But, viewing some of the pics post-op on this website and others, makes me ask have others opted not to get it done after being approved?Is is worth it? Major scars and pain?    — Molly S. (posted on May 18, 2002)

May 18, 2002
I didn't really even have any pain with the TT. More like a little discomfort. I was pleasantly pleased to say the least. The only time I hit the pain pump is when I wanted to go to sleep. I knew that morphine would put me out. Yes, I do have a scar from hip to hip, but it is much better than all of the tissue that I had hanging that was keeping me from looking normal. I no longer have that unsightly bulge that I have had all of my life. I actually got rid of some of my scars from previous surgeries. I don't plan on wearing things that are going to show my scars anyway, so that wasn't an issue with me. The biggest hassle of the whole thing was having the drains to contend with. I came home with 2 and one was removed along with every other staple a week later. The next week the rest came out along with the last drain.
   — livnliter

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