Can you still weight lift and get result????

I know this may sound strange. I was to have surgery on April 9 of this year and was so scared the surgeon sent me home. Now it seems my whole view of this surgery has changed. I don't know weather or not I should still go through it. I've been interested in body building, not the man look, but a nice toned one. I've been told by a few people that WLS will restrict the protein intake that is required to achieve that. I'm currently walking 2 miles per day and doing beginning weight lifting for an hour every other day. A part of me tells that if I can continue to eat right and exercise I can do with out WLS. I don't want to totally be with out that option of having the surgery ether. My new date it June 27, 2002. Is there any of you out there that weight lift and have good results?? Or other opinions??    — Adele S. (posted on April 28, 2002)

April 28, 2002
I had surgery over 9 months ago having the RNY open and have not had any problems with weight lifting and gaining muscle mass. I don't really keep track of my protein intake but blood tests have come back very normal, considering the surgery. I will never be a body builder, but I do have muscle tone and actually can see muscles on my legs, arms and stomach so it can be possible.
   — arebella

April 28, 2002
I've been doing weight training (free weights and machines) since I was about two months post-op. I'm now 16 months post op, have lost 100 pounds and have decresased my body fat percentage tremendously. I do try to get in a protein supplement at least once a day, but I don't always. I try to eat enough protein, but sometimes I do, and other times not. Anyway, I think I have had good results. I'm no bodybuilder, but can definitely see the difference. Good luck.
   — Maria H.

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