How long will I have to be off my medications?

I have cronic arthritis, and am on Motrin#800 mgs 3x a day. Will I ever be able to take this again? The doctor has tried other meds but it does not work. After 3 days, I can't even get out of bed. Is this a problem?    — Mary C. (posted on April 19, 2002)

April 19, 2002
I have arthritis too, and I've never been able to take motrin. Your best bet will be to ask your Dr. they're all different. He put me on Darvacet and I've been taking those before I go to bed at night and massage therapy several times a week. There are some alternatives. :) Good luck on your journey!
   — Elizabeth D.

April 20, 2002
I have Lupus, with the arthritis that goes with it. I was on Motrin 800 4 times a day. I have been unable to take any since my surgery in Sept. Giving up the NSAIDS is difficult. I'd be lying if I told you I didn't miss them. My Dr. gave me a prescription for Celebrex, but it made no measurable difference so I stopped taking it. Do you take Plaquenil, it helps somewhat? On the plus side, 112 lbs. less weight and pressure on my joints has taking a huge load of stress off of many of my joints and it has helped a great deal. Basically, I "tough it out" during the day. I have Vicadin which I take every night. I also have a Jacuzzi at my home which helps tremendously. It is not an easy choice, and you will want to give it plenty of thought. Best wishes as you choose the right course for you!
   — Bobbie B.

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