3 days until my surgery i need to know what i can eat the day before. Help

I know i have been told clear liquids. I know there has to be something out there besides chicken broth. YUCK I don't want to be miserable the day before please any suggestions would be great. Thanks    — sarah C. (posted on April 9, 2002)

April 9, 2002
My doctor told me that I can eat all I wanted up until noon the day before surgery, after that clear liquids - YUCK. Broth was so nasty. I couldn't eat anything after midnight the night before. Try sugar free Jello. Don't think of how miserable you'll be, but how beautiful you're going to look!
   — dolphins94

April 9, 2002
I don't know if this will help, but you can get Miso soup at any japanese resturant. I think the broth they use taste great. All you will have to do is strain out the tofu and seaweed. I know that sounds gross, but I find the broth very tasty.
   — Cheryl S.

April 9, 2002
In addition to broth, you can have soda pop, tea, coffee, jell-o, popsicles. Instead of canned chicken broth, make chicken noodle soup and drain the broth off that - it will taste better. If you decide to do pop, tea, or coffee, use decaf. Caffeine withdrawal headache is no fun post op!!! Popsicles are the best thing - gives you more of a sens that you are eating something!! Good luck.
   — mskarns

April 9, 2002
I had to be on liquids the day before surgery too. I was so hungry I thought I'd go crazy. Then to make it worse a friend said she'd treat me to a last nice meal before surgery. She had no way of knowing I was forbidden to eat on that day. Ahhhh! Anyway, I forgot what I drank but I think it was basically water. Not fun but I did'nt want to mess up anything pre op. I fought my insurance company 9 months to get their approval so I was'nt going to screw it up just because I was uncomfortable for 24 hours. (Heck I've fasted 7-10 days in the past to try to lose weight so what was one day?) lol
   — Danmark

April 20, 2002
My surgeons office told me sherbert, sorbet, popsicles, fruit ice,jello, and juice are all fine. Any clear liquid )non-dairy, non pulp)
   — Melody S.

March 30, 2004
Doctors differ on this. My surgeon is requiring me to go on a Clear Liquid Diet 10 days prior to surgery. This will shrink the liver and make surgery easier (which minimizes trauma.)
   — Bryan D.

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