Have any post ops experience bloating/gas that has lasted for days?

I'm one year post op, lost 168 lbs., 20 more to go. For the past 3-4 days I've had terrible gas accumulating and my belly is swollen with it. (I had a tummy tuck in November, so I should be flat). Any suggestions? Should I go to my PCP? My surgeon is 250 miles away, so I can't visit him. Thanks for your help, suggestions. Barbara C.    — SDmovergal (posted on March 15, 2002)

March 15, 2002
Are you going to the potty? (#2) How about passing gas? If you aren't, I would worry enuf to go see the PCP.
   — ctyst

March 15, 2002
Yes, I'm still passing gas and going potty. Barbara C.
   — SDmovergal

March 15, 2002
I had horrofic gas a couple of months ago that lasted a few days (felt like eternity). I cut out all sugar substitutes (except Splenda) and my protein bars and I felt way better. I am back to Equal and aa protein bar two days a week. I think that it just accumulated so bad, it needed time to get rid of it. Try modifying your diet and walk, walk, walk. You gotta get it moving. How was the tummy tuck?
   — Jeannet

March 15, 2002
Hi Barbara: I am 7 mos post op and have "pewwww weeeee" gas. My husband and co-workers want to move my everyday essentials outside so they don't have to put up with me. But one nice thing, it's so bad that they gave me my own bathroom at the office, WITH A WINDOW for ventilation.(he he he he) . I find that if I go overboard with my carbs, my gas and bloating gets really bad. If I back off of the carbs, I return to "NORMAL". Try fooling around with your carb or sugar intake. OH YEA...I am not one of those people that watch every gram of carbs or sugar that I eat...If it looks and sounds good...I HAVE SOME...I just eat in Complete Control and Moderation now.....Good Luck...Oh yeah...I bought lots of nice smelling candles for my office and home...They burn constantly....(hides the stinkies..)
   — Joi G.

April 6, 2002
I'm really interested in what kind of answers you receive for this... I am so sick with bloating, gas, and the runs... I do drink a lot of carbonated pop, so I assume that's what's causing it. Nothing helps, and I've tried every OTC product with the word "GAS" on it. Let me know if you have success! Cris [email protected]
   — Cris C.

August 2, 2002
Hi Yes I experience terrible gas I am afraid to go out sometimes for fear I will offend,I did have some enyzme problems before surgery and now I take Beano and Phayzme every day. I truly don't know what the problem is my surgeon just said that happens sometimes.Yesterday I drank maybe 2 or more liters of water. I usualy don't drink any just Diet Peach Snapple but I have to break that habit as I am not losing I am 10 months out and have only lost from 241 to 194 I have not been exercising due to a bad back and lets admit it, I hate to exercise and get all sweaty!anyway i was very ill with gas and since my belly is the only part of me that is still very fat it was bloated as if I were having triplets.Today it is better but I do have gas every day and very bad too, I hope you find a solution if you do please e-mail me!Drinking camomille or fennel tea helps the gas also God Bless Patti
   — Patricia L.

May 24, 2004
I will be 4 years post up in Sept and if I eat to much junk food I get horrible gas and bloating and I need to keep a can of air freshener in the bathroom anyway lol. Now that I am on protein everyday..I get bad gas and bloating. I can clear out a room quick lol!
   — Dawn H.

March 3, 2005
I am 4 yrs. 3 mos. post-op & I still have bowl'em over gas that's 10 miles long & if I eat sugar free stuff...PHEWWWW. When I go visit my daughter she makes me "go to my room" if I have stinky gas & my two very young grandsons think that's quite funny. Sometimes I cannot hold it & it gets very embarrassing.
   — Betty Todd

March 3, 2005
I'm 17 months out are the things that cause it for me. Any Atkins product including protein bars and particularly the shakes...anything with white flour in it...anything sugar free with malitol or lacitol (those are the WORST). I have no problem with typical gas causing foods like beans and onions but I can clear out a whole house if I eat any of those other things.
   — scbabe

May 15, 2005
I am almost 3 years out. I don't EVER remember having gas as bad as I do now. It is actually making my husband leave our room. I have tried watching sugars and have really tried other things also such as soda's and am sticking to sugar free, but it is still BAD! I am unable to do much walking or excercising do to extremely bad knees. I had the first replacement 1.5 years ago and hated it ever since. I am going in this Friday for round two with a better surgeon. Have you had any luck yet?
   — Rhonda C.

May 15, 2005
read labels on everything you eat, if it has any sugar alcohol ie, malitol, sorbitol, lactilol, etc cut it out. Just a few bites of any of them and I am wretched! lmost all of the atkins products contain sugar alcohols.
   — **willow**

August 25, 2005
This is pretty normal for me. lots of gas...can get embarrassing at time, but better than the alternative! alice
   — sweetjami

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