Why is incision Hernia happening to so many of us?

I'm 8 months post-op & down 80lbs, will be having incisional Hernia repair on Wed. Why is this happening to so many of us? How bad is this surgery? Thanks for any info.    — K C S. (posted on March 12, 2002)

March 11, 2002
If you had your WLS "open" like I did, the chances are 1 in 3 that you're going to have an incisional hernia. It's not specific to WLS. The risks are the same for any major abdominal surgery where they cut through the stomach wall. I have a hernia and have had one for almost a year. It's a big one, so I'm not at risk for "hernia strangulation." I'm actually thinking about leaving it as-is. It's not hurting anything, and it doesn't bug me that much.
   — Terissa R.

March 12, 2002
I have an incisional hernia too. My doctor told me that about 1 in 5 of her patients get one & that it's not uncommon. Mine seems to be getting better, don't know how that is possible, maybe I am just learning to live with it a little better :) I am also thinking about leaving it alone although I have checked in to having it repaired with a panni... that would definately be nice *grinz*
   — DonnaCarol

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