How long does dumping last?

ho i had open rny and i dump....and when i dump i dump bad... i was wondering when you dump how long do you dump for... also how long does it take for the dumping to come on is it sudden or slow.... and do you get a sign that you are about to dump... was just curious as i find that everything goes brightly coloured and has a funny outline to it when i am about to dump and hear a funny humming i    — Rachel F. (posted on March 10, 2002)

March 10, 2002
I get migraine like symptoms. Sometimes light sensitivity severe headache , super sensitive to sound. Dizzy yes but no noises yet. Also pain in weird places like shoulder or jaw, Dumping makes me want to curl in a ball and rock like a baby until it passes and sometimes it takes an hour or more. It sure keeps me well behaved. Almost 2 yrs post. I even have dumped from sorbitol , and that was really bad!
   — Rose A.

March 10, 2002
Don't be MAD Be GLAD You are not to be eating sugars in the first place this is a tool only Do you want to regain this weight? be very very glad you dump Let it be a warning to YOU I did not eat anything with sugar for 14 months I had no cravings Well not it is back and I have gained 10 pounds and I am very very scared I still dump ..but do not dump until I reach a certain amount of sugar..I am not sure how much sugar makes me dump I am really trying to cut sugars and carbs If you want Goal follow the rules very closly I am at goal Open Rny distal 11-1-00 starting 265 now 145 5'5 LIFE is wonderful follow the rules smiles Kathy
   — Kathleen M.

March 10, 2002
HOw do I know? First thing is sleepies & dry mouth. I start wanting to drink water. BAD. Then, the rest, nausea, heart palpitations, cold hands, cold feet. For me, onset is usually about 15 minutes after the Crime Of Stupidity on my part and lasts 30-60 minutes, depending on the degree of stupidity. I almost think there IS a warning. I have been known to talk one of my friends into ordering a Chocolate Lasagne at Olive Garden and then take eensy bits off the tip. I noticed I can take about 3 eensy bites (total for all 3 about 1 tsp) and then might feel suddenly that it is "too rich". When I ignore that feeling, I may as well just go recline the seat of my car & sleep it off. The ideal is to never even mess with it, no matter how tiny. Every successful little "play time", can spell disaster later. At least it did for me.
   — vitalady

March 10, 2002
i know i am going to dump because i get a pain over my left eye like a headache is going to start. i dump on sugar, too much fat & carbs. my episodes last about 45 minutes. i havent dumped in about a month because i watch myself very carefully since i learned what causes me to dump. when i told my surgeon i dump he said it was common for new post ops to dump because they dont really know what foods they can tolerate & what they cant.
   — sheryl titone

March 11, 2002
I've dumped three times since surgery 7 weeks ago. Each time, it lasted about an hour and then I fell asleep. When I woke up, I was fine. During that hour, though, I had intense nausea, cold sweats, heart palpitations, etc. I now know I can't eat simple carbs of any kind! Not even baked pretzels!
   — Kathy J.

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