Does the greenfield filter stay in forever?

Does the greenfield filter stay in forever?, and if it does does anyone know of any side effects?    — Blase K. (posted on March 9, 2002)

March 8, 2002
Yes, the filter stays in forever. There are no side effects. The only stupid questions are the ones not asked.
   — Laureen59

March 9, 2002
I have a Greenfield Filter, and it did save my life, as I had two long contiguous blood clots, one in each leg. Three drs told me that I'd be dead if it weren't for the filter. Find out all about the filter @
   — Phiddy B.

March 9, 2002
Hi, I have something called and inferior vena cava umbrella filter put in almost 11 years ago. I do not even know it is there, nor do I know exactly where it is at. The only reason I remember it is because I take coumadin daily. I had a major DVT in 1991 because of being bedridden. I think that the greenfield filter and vena cava filter are generally the same thing. Hope that answers your question.
   — ChristineB

December 5, 2002
Some filters placed in the vena cava are there forever. Some are temporary. More recently temporary filters are placed. This is due to the fact that filters are placed to prevent clots that get loose in your body, prevent them from floating up into your lungs and causing a bad problem called Pulmonary Embolism (it makes it difficult to breath). Temporary ones are placed and then after it is not needed you make a one day appointment to a place called Interventional Radiology and they place a small catheter in your groin and the doctor goes in and then removes the filter. You go home later that day. The reason why you would want to remove a filter is that it is found that some people who have filters in forever the filter gets filled with clots and then people have venous stasis so they get swelling in the legs. So removable or you may have to take a medicine all your life to prevent too many clots.
   — Rachel R.

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