What can be expected after surgery

If anyone has had an open RNY with Dr. Wood at Riverview Hospital would like to know what my expectations are. I understand there are staples to close surgical site. Would like to return to work two weeks following surgery. Is it possible? What are your thoughts and/or concerns? What is needed going into the hospital and during a brief stay?    — [Anonymous] (posted on February 23, 2002)

February 23, 2002
Hi. I had surgery with Dr. Wood in March of last year. They usually require that you do almost no lifting for 6 weeks. You can usually drive at 10-14 days after surgery. If you have a desk-type MAY be able to return to work in 2 weeks, but that may be pushing it. It probably depends on how well you bounce back and if you have any complications. It sounds possible, but you may want to make a backup plan in case it doesn't pan out. This is major abdominal surgery....opened from breastbone to bellybutton, it'll take awhile to recover:) Please feel free to contact me by email if you have any other questions:) GOOD LUCK
   — Nicole P.

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