Stings when injecting folic acid

hi i just got in from thedrs spent the morning there learning how to adminser the b12 and folic injection into my leg or butt cheek... took a few goes but got there.. the b12 is a breeze compared to the folic geezz it stings doesnt it for the first 10 minutes or so???? does it sting as much if you do it into your bum cheek as much as your leg as if it doesnt thats what im going to do next month... where do you wls people inject the folic.. thanks for your time..    — Rachel F. (posted on February 21, 2002)

February 21, 2002

February 22, 2002
hi...everyone here in nz who has has bypasses since the 80 have had te b12 and the folic ater wls as they say thay you dont produce enough b12 and folic so this is how to put it in your system...dont you do this in america??? this has got me curious...and for that this is wy i find this site so informative as you can ask any question ans the info back is great... why wouldnt you inject folic...micheal can you abbreviate as no i arent kidding it was a serious question.thats why i took the time to ask the question...
   — Rachel F.

February 22, 2002
In the U.S. we have a store called GNC-a health food store. They care sublingual(dissolves under the tongue)B12 that has folic acid in the same pill. 1000mcg b12 and 400mcg folic acid. My surgeon has his patient's take it once a week. Cherry flavored, dissolves in about 5 minutes and beats the heck out of any kind of injection.
   — jsuggs

March 13, 2002
I never heard of taking folic acid. The only thing my doctor tells me to take is the B12. I would question that. I think it is a preference with doctors, but nothing you really have to do.
   — Sue H.

September 10, 2002 much easier and less ouchie to use sublingual caplets of B12+folic acid..dissolves under tongue.Most health food stores carry them. As a 4 injection a day diabetic my hope post-op is to never use a needle again..I pray !!! Good luck to you...
   — Cheri P.

September 10, 2002
Seems like I heard folic acid level very important if you are pregnant - have never been told to use it after wls. B12 shots are the best way to get B12 - or maybe the inhaler will surfice - according to my doctors anyway.
   — charlene M.

November 17, 2002
My doctor okayed the use of oral B-12/folic acid. I have been using them for 4 1/2 months and my blood work has come back completely normal.
   — Cassiah H.

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