Has anyone been covered for surgery by COBRA in S.Florida or other state??

   — [Anonymous] (posted on February 16, 2002)

February 16, 2002
COBRA is not actually insurance. It is a federal law which requires an employer to continue to keep an employee in an insurance group for up to 18 months after the employee has quit or been laid off. It means that whatever insurance you have when you quit or are laid off has to be available to you for up to 18 months. There is no requirement that the former employer pay for the coverage, but they do have to let you stay in the group, until you are covered by some other insurance or when 18 months or up.
   — garw

February 16, 2002
Hi, I live in Michigan and in September 2001 when I left my job I was given the option of taking COBRA which I did. My insurance company paid for my surgery on January 7, 2001. The hardest part is paying the entire premium per month ($582.31) however, there was no delay in getting my surgery. If your insurance covers your surgery then it will cover it after you elect COBRA.
   — Elizabeth P.

February 19, 2002
I'm having surgery courtesy of my cobra insurance
   — Mary C.

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