Will I be able to lose the weight and keep it off after 40?

FIGHT FAT AFTER 40 - STRESS AND WEIGHT GAIN!! I work in a very high stress job (police dispatcher), which is a job I love (along with the adenaline rushes) Since I started working there 8 yrs ago, I've gained over 100lbs. I really think there is something to having high cortisol levels that come with the stress which contribute to gaining weight. My concern is that will I be able to lose weight and maintain my weightloss after surgery? I'm worried that this won't be successful unless I manage my eating and stress. But even though I love what I do, keeping high levels of cortisol is bad and contributes to "toxic weight" in the abdominal area. Any ideas, comments or suggestion from any posties with high stress jobs or adenaline junkies out there like myself? Thanks!!    — Kelly K. Y. (posted on January 27, 2002)

January 27, 2002
Hi Kelly.... I am a pre-op so I cannot address success post-op in a stressful job. But I am in a stressful job. I work in non profit as an Exec. Dir. of a helping agency wherein I deal with people and problems daily in addition to managing the agency, etc. I have always worked in some type of social service type position and I noticed a few years ago too the stress correlation with my weight. What I did though is go on a lower dosage of Prozac which does not change my stress load at all but it changes how my body reacts to that stress. I'm pretty even keeled normally but as a type A/B person normally I react to stress normally. With the Prozac I act not react. I've had no adverse side effects whatsoever. So that might be an option to you. Good luck to you.
   — AJC750

January 27, 2002
Hi Kelly....I am post-op, only 11 mos out. I am a Juvenile Correction Officer. I have been working at the center for 5 years and I'm 43 years old. I have loss 136 pounds And I'm still losing. At work we always talk about how our health starts going down within a year of working there. I know all the stuff they tell you about, how to lower your stress when you are not at work....LOL.. But it's hard. I live in a small town and I run into the kids all the time and sometimes they are not to happy with you or with the court. But I feel I'm a lot better at the weight of 147 than at the weight of 283. And my health has only went up with the weight loss.
   — Cindy R.

January 27, 2002
Hi Kelly, Boy, do I know about stress. I turned 40 years old in June. I am a paramedic for the City of Detroit Fire Department, which is an extremely stressful job. I deal with death, critically ill, and critically injured patients on a daily basis. I had an Open Duodenal Switch on 04-26-01 and I have lost 146#. It's hard to eat on the run. I try and bring my lunch, but it does not happen all the time. I feel that I am doing great. So does my surgeon. He believes that I will be at goal by one year post op. I am currently 20# from goal. I believe that you will be a success after WLS regardless of the stress that you have to endure. Good Luck!
   — Margaret M.

January 27, 2002
I can so relate to stress. I have been a Kindergarten Teacher for 23 years. :) I had an open, distal RNY on 8/16/00. On the day of surgery I weighed 469 pounds. I have lost 329 pounds. I have gone from 469 to 140. I was 46 on the day of surgery and I have had no problems losing the weight. I am 17 months post op and still losing, slowly but surely. I am praying that I keep the weight off forever.
   — DeeDubbs

January 27, 2002
Hi Kelly: I am approaching my 42nd birthday in a few weeks. I had WLS in June 2001 and have lost 103 pounds to date. I was an emotional and stress eater prior to WLS and now have no desire to binge. I now eat out of necessity and crave healthy foods rather than sweets and junk food. This is amazing considering I live in Italy (hubby's in the Air Force)where we are surrounded by bread and pasta galore. lol My biggest fear is regaining...I hope and pray this will never happen. I take it one day at a time and feel very blessed and thankful I was afforded the opportunity to have this surgery! ~~~Ciao~~~
   — perezrdh

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