How would you know when enough weight has been lost?

Upon loosing weight when does the body start to level off? When at or near desired goal how do you stop loosing?    — [Anonymous] (posted on January 16, 2002)

January 15, 2002
It's different for each individual. Some folks keep losing until they hit their goal and then they figure out the balance of carbs/ protein that allows them to maintain their weight. Some people just stop losing (stabilize) at or near their goal and they maintain that weight as long as they follow the "rules". Others (like me) lose a lot of weight, quickly and then stabilize, but never get near their goal. I'm ever so happy with my 150lb. weight loss. But, I stabilized 40lbs. over my goal (a reasonable 185) three years ago. I gained 10 pounds, but my weight hasn't budged (up or down) in three years. I'm quite compliant with the wls diet. I've done some "experimenting" and I was able to lose the ten I gained by eliminating ALL simple carbs from my following Suzanne Somers weight loss program, Somersize. My two friends who had rny's a year after I did, weren't nearly as compliant as I was and they both got down to their goals. Life is not fair! (lol).
   — [Anonymous]

January 16, 2002
Someone asked a question similar to this a few days ago, but I cannot remember their responses. I think that the body 'just knows' how to handle the weight loss. It is such a mystery to me. As a lightweight, my weight loss has already slowed to 2-3 lbs. a week at 9 wks. post-op. Probably because I am already almost half-way to goal. I lost thirty-something percent within the first month). Others that have more to lose won't be at the half-way mark until maybe 6 months, or more, and then their weight loss may slow down at different times. It is true that the more you need to lose, the faster it will come off (in the majority of cases). Once everyone falls below 200 lbs. it seems as if the weight loss is slower than when it was in the 200's or 300's. It amazes me how complex our bodies really are made.
   — Cheri M.

January 16, 2002
I lost down to about 10 pounds over my goal weight without any effort at all at about a year post op & stabilized there for about six months. It didn't seem to matter what I did or didn't eat, my weight would fluctuate only a few pounds up, then down, always staying within a few pounds. In the last few months I have gained about 10 to 15 pounds & seem to be as stuck at this weight as I was at the previous weight. It doesn't seem to matter what I do or do not eat. This leaves me about 20 to 25 pounds over goal & while I am fine at this weight I was happier ten pounds ago. It seems I may have to at this point go back to the old style of weight loss which is something I have never been good at. Back when my weight plateaued at 10 pounds over goal I began eating more & more foods which weren't on the "OK to eat" list & found I could tolerate them and I didn't gain any weight. Now I wish I hadn't started back on some of those foods & wish I had stayed on the plan. I think you can eat whatever you want for a while, but eventually it will catch back up with you.
   — [Anonymous]

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