I'm 10 weeks postop went in to program today and ive have lost 75lbs was very

excited and the girl tells me I was 2% under my loss for 3 mo. is my loss good? just need some reasurrance i guess Thanks!p.s not even 3 mo. yet!    — gerirose C. (posted on January 3, 2002)

January 3, 2002
Holy Hannibal! I'd say it is good! Geese I wish I could have done that well! :)
   — Danmark

January 3, 2002
The way I am reading this is that in the past ten weeks you have lost 75 pounds right? Well if you are averaging 7.5 pounds per week by your three month mark or your 12 week mark you in theory will loose another 15 pounds by then! What she told you was that you were 2% under your goal for 12 weeks, not ten. So you are only 2 pounds shy of what is projected for two weeks from now!!!! STOP BEATING YOURSELF UP! YOU ARE DOING FANTASTIC KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!
   — Virginia N.

January 3, 2002
Do you realize that you have lost over 25 pounds a month? When else could you have done that? It bothers me that nutritionists will tell you that you are ahead or behind schedule. Who's schedule? Do they know what your individual body will do? You are right on target for YOU! The "experts" also say that you will most likely lose 80% of what you have to loose right? I lost 100%. Does that make me better than those other who only lost 80%?? NO... it just makes my body different than theirs. Please don't let anyone just "fit you into" a catagory. You are an individual and doing just perfectly for you. (Actually for any of are losing great).
   — Barbara H.

January 4, 2002
ask her if she ever lost 75 lbs. in 3 months!!! My gosh that is fantastic. Phooey to the tables and where you are "supposed" to be. You are doing awesome! Keep it up!
   — susie K.

January 9, 2002
I think you are probably over a good percent of the people around here, if anything. I also have lost 75 and i am over 3 months post op. You are doing great. Think about those that have only lost say 30-45 lbs in the same amt. of time. Don't compare anyway, that just makes you feel bad.
   — Jennifer H.

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