I had a laproscopic RNY 9 weeks ago. Is it safe to have a drink?

Does anyone know what the effect of alcohol will be on my new pouch?    — vbenedict0208 (posted on December 22, 2001)

December 22, 2001
I had the same procedure 6 weeks ago; last week I had a beer, nursed slowly over about an hour and a half. There were no ill effects whatsoever, and I didn't feel buzzed or anything. I think the biggest caveat is moderation, or your liver will take a really big hit. Enjoy!
   — Danette H.

December 22, 2001
I had a glass of wine or two over the course of a night when I was about 9 weeks out and didn't have a problem at all. And, like the last poster said, I didn't catch a buzz or anything. Good luck
   — Kelley S.

December 22, 2001
I was worried about having wine due to the sugar content and was worried even more about having a mixed drink due to the carbonation in the pop... but I found that I could have a Kahlua and Cream (and the cream has protein!!!) or a Bloody Mary and I did just fine with both. I think like it was mentioned before... it isn't so much what you drink, just that you drink in moderation.
   — Kellie Jo B.

February 20, 2002
Ever since my RNY in February of 2001 I could drink a quarter of a glass of a mixed drink and get a numbing buzz. It differs from each individual. If you could drink a lot before you'd probably be able to handle more after.
   — Jeannie C.

April 28, 2004
I am 9 weeks out.I am struggling with dieting I can eat everything and lots of it. As far as alcohol.I have no problem there either. I can drink as much as before but, I get drunk. I don't get ill.I water it down now and try slowing down.I also switched from Scotch to vodka. I used to drink about once a month.I will be cutting back now.It is not healthy and I want to lose weight.I don't suggest you drink and get drunk but, try to have some fun.
   — sandraah29

April 28, 2004
This is how it was explained to me...but not by a take it FWIW. It's not your pouch you should be concerend with, but your liver. Since liquids are not held in the pouch for very long, lie they are a "normal" stomach, the alcohol goes directly to the small intestines where nearly 100% of the alcohol content is absorbed into your blood stream, forcing the liver to process all that un-digested, undiluted alcohol. This is why we feel the effect so quickly with so little. THe explanation made sense to me and was given to me by a long-term post-op who had studied it for years and knew evrything about it. It made sense to me as I used to be able to drink tons without an effect, and now, not even a 1/4 of a drink will have me dancing on the tables <<exaggerration>> ;o)
   — Danielle M.

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