I am 4 wks post-op;for past 2 days intense pain in stomach,burping,& throwing up

after drinking instant breakfast drink;been drinking for weeks is this unusual to bother me this way now?    — Donna S. (posted on December 17, 2001)

December 17, 2001
I have no words of wisdom for you. All I can say is that I am 1 month post-op and the exact same thing is happening to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would LOVE to hear the answers to this one!
   — Janet C.

December 17, 2001
The same thing happen to I am 6 weeks post op.All I can say is it must be a form of dumping.I only had a protein drink and it happen to me. I DIDN'T EAT OR DRINK anthing for a few hours and I got better.I know the cramping really hurts I used a heating on my stomach and it helped.Wish you good luckMight want to go back to liquids for a day. NANCY M.
   — NANCY M.

December 17, 2001
WOW! This happened to me at 4 weeks. I hate to tell you this, but mine lasted a solid week. The first 3 days were nearly unbearable. I got dehydrated as I could not even keep my own saliva down. We thought pancreatitis, gastritis, whatever... But here is what I think it was. I ate really rich fondue (not much..maybe 2 teaspoons) and I think that normally our stomach produces enzymes to break down the heavy fats and help the digestion system. Well, when your stomach is so much smaller, there are not enough enzymes produced to help the digestion process. This causes severe cramping and nausea. I'm not a doctor, but this was the only thing that made any sense to me...I NEVER want that to happen again! It hurt so bad, I thought I turned my stomach inside out. It went away and guess who doesn't eat rich foods anymore? You've got it sister!
   — Helena R.

December 17, 2001
How does water taste?
   — vitalady

December 17, 2001
Could be you have a stricture or adheshion in your stomach opening to your small bowel. Sounds like the same pain I had. Call your surgeon, my pain was UNBEARABLE, it felt like I had gas that could not go anywhere. It is easily fixable with an endoscope. Good Luck to you Krista Toland
   — Krista B.

December 17, 2001
Carnation Instant Breakfast is loaded with sugar--unless you get the NO SUGAR ADDED variety. This could be a dumping episode. Not a doctor here, and really not much experience, but I would suggest you call your surgeon or family Dr. and get checked.
   — Janice B.

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