5 weeks post-op and seeking mental clarity

I'm 5 weeks post-op, and I declare, it is very difficult for me to concentrate on anything for any length of time. It was easy to brush it off when I was at home recovering, but now that I'm back at work, it's getting in my way. Details get lost. Also, I used to LOVE watching "The West Wing", but now I can barely follow it. Their rapid-fire dialog almost feels like crickets dancing in my head! Is it just me? Thanks for any help.    — Felissa L. (posted on November 15, 2001)

November 15, 2001
It's called more energy!!! At first, it was a little annoying to me because I felt like I had ADHD. Now, I consciously try to concentrate and have been doing much better. If this happens A LOT and it's affecting your work, you might be suffering from a vitamin deficiency or something that's causing you to be unable to concentrate. Try ginko biloba.
   — Terissa R.

November 15, 2001
It may be from the anesthesia and post-op pain meds. Some folks are more affected by that than others. I thought someone had given me a lobotomy by mistake!!! I could not remember the word "popsicle" at one point, much to the delight of my family. I could not do a crossword puzzle (I usually do 3 a day) or anything else that required vocabulary. I am 3 months post-op tomorrow, and all those problems are gone. They were gone at about 6 weeks. So hang on, you are almost there!
   — mskarns

November 15, 2001
Hi...just wanted to let you know that I'm 7 weeks post op and for the first 4-5 weeks I felt really stupid...couldn't do simple math, couldn't remember some words...was really relieved that I hadn't gone back to work early! I'm fine now. I believe it was the anaesthesia.
   — Yvonne R.

November 15, 2001
These are also symptoms of depression! I take zoloft for depression and if I miss it boy do I feel like I have lost it. Can't remember the simple things in life. Maybe you need a antidepressant.
   — Cathy B.

November 15, 2001
If you are not well nourished, it might feel like half your brain fires NOW, half later. They didn't have us on enough protein supps back in the olden days. I was better off than I was pre-op, but had that same sensation you're talking about. Like, HUH? Is my swtich stuck on slow motion and the world is stuck on fast? Getting your nourishment up to speed, timed so you don't have lows, all that, water up to speed--all that will help. Slight dehydration will make the world run at a different speed than our brains, too.
   — vitalady

November 18, 2001
Boy, am I glad to know it's not just me! I went back to work after 3 wks (Open RNY) and my job is mentally demanding. I couldn't do anything that required numbers! Forgot a very important appointment, and was sooo not me! During week 5 I backed my car into a wall doing $1300.00 worth of damage. For no reason!! Just goofy!! I took vitamin E prior for memory ( alzheimers prevention) so I started taking 400IU a day. Also thins the blood so don't take too early post op. Started improving almost immediately. Now going into my 6th wk, think I'm finally "all there" Good luck Linda
   — Linda B.

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