Can someone help me with questions about surgery?

rib spreaders catherisation naso gastric tubes: can anyone tell me if they use rib spreaders and naso tubes in every wls procedure and do they catherise you in surgery or not needed as are you able to get up and toilet yourself after the op .... sorry for all the questions but these i cant seem to find the answers to    — Rachel F. (posted on November 6, 2001)

November 6, 2001
Rib spreaders would be used in open. With lap they go under and around the muscle and ribs. I think they do use ng tubes, but some drs leave them in, some don't. Mine was gone by the time I woke up. I was catherized while out, and had it for two days. It was no problem, didn't hurt, and I was grateful not to have to get up every 5 min to pee. When I got it out it didn't hurt at all. Once it was out I was able to get up and go potty. I got the runs the last day I was in the hospital. Hope this helps.
   — Becky K.

November 6, 2001
Different surgeons have different approaches, often to achieve exactly the same results or goals. This is an important question to ask during those initial telephone calls or consultation appointments, if these "technicalities" are important to you. In my own experience with a lap RNY, I had a two day hospitalization, no rib-spreaders, no ICU, no tubes or drains of any kind, no external sutures or staples....the catheter in my bladder was placed after I was put to sleep, and removed before I woke up. I was up to the bathroom a couple of hours after returning to my room from the Recovery Room. Good luck!
   — Diana T.

November 6, 2001
Hello, I had the lap rouxeny on 8/16/01. I didnt have any of the above except the catherization. Which is put in when you are alseep and is painless when removed. I was up the next day walking around and went home in 3 days. I am a new person now and count my blessing every single day for this surgery!!!!! GOOD LUCK
   — Melissa S.

November 6, 2001
My doctor uses an NG tube, but it was put in after I fell asleep and removed before I awakened. I also had a catheter, but it too was put in after I fell asleep. It wasn't removed until the morning of the day I was discharged, and it didn't hurt at all. My surgeon doesn't use rib spreaders because he does only lap. surgeries.
   — [Anonymous]

November 7, 2001
wow, I've never heard of anyone using rib spreaders for this or otherwise. why would they need to? My doc does the G tube into the old stomach. that stays in for 3 weeks. He also does the catheteration (sp?) after you are out and that stays in for a few days.
   — Brenda S.

November 7, 2001
I am going to have open RNY on December 14th. My Surgoen's Nurse says that they don't use any tubes at all except a Central line for injections and to draw blood, as well as a catheter so we don't have to worry about getting up the first day. we don't even have to walk the first day, because they use leg pumps to pump the blood from the legs so there isno clotting.
   — sbinkerd1

November 7, 2001
The only place to get these questions answered is from your surgeons office because EVERY doctor has their own way of doing things. I didn't have a catheter, but you might. My doctor wants you to get up and walk so more or less forces you to do that by having to go to the bathroom from all the IV fluids. Pretty much everyone has a ng tube, but not all. Don't be afraid to ask your doctor anything. The only stupid question is the one you don't ask. Good luck.
   — georgiacarol

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