Should I send photos of myself????

I am going to start the process again for this surgery. I should be getting my referral to see the surgeon in the next two weeks.When I fill out the packet should I included photos of myself to be sent along to the Medical group committee??? Even though my bmi is 45, I am wondering if they will look at my photo and say oh she's not fat enough!!! So should I or should I not. and what should I wear? My night gown or my job uniform, or maybe a string bikini ??? Boy what a sight that would be !!!!    — Laura G. (posted on October 31, 2001)

October 31, 2001
My doctors office told me not to send any more information that is not asked for, but to have it ready in case of denile. Anyway do you have comorbids? My insurance approved me within an hour of faxing my request. And now my surgery is on November 13. Good luck on your journey!
   — Kendra A.

October 31, 2001
My insurance and doctors where just the opposite of the other posters, I was told to send them anything and everything I could to convince them I needed the surgery... and my preop pictures where done in tank top and tight fitting jeans from front back and side..(hands on my hips and arms out to accent the flabby arm thing) I had the opposite problem of fearing they were going to say I wasn't fat enough (but I have a starting BMI of like 76 something) ... I'm not sure if that was what done it, but I wasn't going to give them anything less than I thought might convince them I needed surgery.</p> I would think it depends on your insurance companies reputation for approving the surgery, if it's good, you may not need to, if it's known to cause problems, by all means, couldn't hurt, not like you're sending the bra and panties shot the first time... Good luck in your journey...
   — Elizabeth D.

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