Just got insurance aprvl.....and now I'm scared to death

Is life after bareable? if i cant stick to a diet now ,will that change after? please Help!!! :)    — summer K. (posted on October 29, 2001)

October 29, 2001
Summer, nice to meet you. I have surgery Dec 6th My surgeon has a full program, what to eat, how to eat, when to eat...behavior modification etc. I will tell you this..he said this to me "Jacki I can put you in the DRIVERS SEAT OF YOUR WEIGHT i cannot make you drive the car correctly..that's up to you" I am happy , scared , nervous and frantic. I MADE UP MY MIND AND THEN focused on learing all I could on how to take care of myself properly. Read read read..and learn from all these wonderful people on here. I looked for people my age and close in experience. They have been a great source of help. Know the good and the bad. Trust in the Good.!!! Jacki
   — Jackiis

October 29, 2001
Hey take it one day at time.. everyone gets scared when they get the date cause it kinda confirms everything.. lol i fell off my chair and my hit head on a table. but after the shock wore off .i learned to relax . Come on here to the website it helps alot.. it helps to ease doubt and the being nervous all the time that comes with the surgery.. ask questions we are here to help.. i met the most wonderful people.. one of them became my best new friend. When i first came to the site i was full doubt and worry now i am i think i am ready for the surgery(Nov 29) and by the time your surgery rolls around u wil be too
   — Tabitha K.

October 29, 2001
Hi Summer, welcome to the club. Go ahead and be frightened. You have a right to. Any time we make a major change in our lives -good, bad and ugly, we go through a wide gamet of emotions. Change is scary even with this positive change in your life. Bear in mind that the first few months will not be easy, however you will start to feel so much better physically and emotionally. Yes, you will be able to stick to your diet. If you don't you body will let you know in about two minutes flat by dumping or vomiting. So go ahead and have your last supper(s), read the message board,go window shopping for all of the beautiful clothes you will enjoy and thing about how healthy you will feel after the weight start to melt off.
   — Jan M.

October 29, 2001
Hi, Summer. Well, I found that keeping to the diet was made very simple by the fact that, when I didn't follow the protocols, my body told me I was making a Big Mistake. If I ate too much, too lumpy or too fast, everything I had eaten came right back up. If I ate too sweet, I had "dumping syndrome" (believe me, a Very Unpleasant Experience!). I don't have much appetite these days, anyway, and I have to remind myself to eat by checking the clock. Good luck, think positive, and see you Lighter!
   — Marjorie B.

October 29, 2001
Hi Summer! My doctor explained it to me by saying it is a "forced" behavior modification. Like everyone else has said, if you don't follow the "directions" there will be consequences. The first few months will be tough. No one can change overnight. But from what I have read , it does and will get better. I am still pre op but I am on this website EVERYDAY reading the Q&A page. I read everything else on this site while making my decision to have the surgery. Another thing no one mentioned here is support groups. Call your surgeons office and find out if there is a support group in your area. There's nothing better than actually being able to SEE and TALK to people face to face that have had the surgery, or that are waiting to have the surgery. That's what I did and I love going to the meetings. I STILL worry about changing my way of eating. But then I also think about what got me into the shape I am in now! I will gladly give up sweets and fatty foods to have a healthier more attractive body. My surgery is in January and my husband and I are planning our Bermuda vacation already. There is just so much to look forward to! It is natural to feel afraid, but you will be so happy you did this! Good luck!
   — Kim B.

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