How did you tell you Supervisor, manager and HR department?

I am just so nervous and excited and scared! I have my surgery date set for 12/5/01, but haven't told my employer yet. How did you all handle this. I think thay would be very supportive as there are several ladies that work here that have has WLS, but I am a worry wart. Any suggestions?    — whimzy C. (posted on October 24, 2001)

October 24, 2001
You have the ideal situation, a supportive environment and others who have had wls. Why don't you just tell the truth? I'm a very private person and I initially told only my immediate supervisor. I didn't care what they thought...I just didn't want people watching me all the time to see how much weight I was losing....and what I was eating. I got enough of that at home! (lol). I worked in the same company with the same people for ten years and after being out for 6 weks and losing weight so rapidly and not eating much...the people I worked with got very, very worried about me. They thought I had cancer! I couldn't let them suffer like told the truth. Actually, I told two of the mouthiest individuals and THEY told everyone else. I was glad I did because everyone was caring and supportive.
   — [Anonymous]

October 24, 2001
Although you don't need to tell your employer any detail about your surgery....when I had a date I went and told all of my co-workers and boss the truth. They were all supportive. One guy in particular thought I was being crazy and that I should just go on a diet. I took him over to the side and told him that I couldn't wipe my ass without having a tool to help me!...He supported me and felt really bad! :)
   — Naomi K.

October 24, 2001
I am in HR for a world-wide corporation. You do not have to tell anyone anything ... it's none of their business and they are not to ask! You just tell them that you have to have surgery and how long you will be out and that is it. I know we always feel like we HAVE to tell what's wrong with us, but we don't...unless you really want to. Good luck!
   — [Anonymous]

January 2, 2002
I am Director of HR for a mental health facility for children. I was also concerned about telling my boss and my co-workers. I was even hesitant to tell my immediate family! But after I started sharing, I found that my family, friends and coworkers were supportive, but afraid for me. They asked a lot of questions and shared a lot of concerns. Once they found that I had done my homework, and that I was certain that I wanted to have WLS, they were very supportive!
   — tonib

August 15, 2002
I told my Executive Director about my WLS & I thought it was in confidential status. Yeah Right! She told everyone in the office & I was tormented with little snid remarks for a week. All has ceased now. I suppose they didn't want to get slapped with a law suit??!! My opinion - tell your boss nothing - only that you plan to have surgery, need the time off & everyone is happy!
   — Bonnie C.

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