Third cold/Sinus infection since surgery

Before surgery ten months ago, I went years and never had so much as a cold, now I have my third one in ten months, sore throat, sinus infection aches and no appetite. Is this normal or is there something I can do to boost my immune system? I take good vitamins and all the supplements as directed by my Doctor. Thank you    — tfqh99 (posted on March 3, 2011)

March 3, 2011
I too had that problem the first 6 - 9 months after my surgery. I even ended up having shingles. I was told my immune system might have been compromised due to the surgery and my body trying to adjust to everything. I feel great now and have been healthy the last few months. It takes time and keep taking your vitamins and protein to continue to help yourself.
   — Cindya19

March 3, 2011
I too had problems with infections for the first 10 months, 3 serious enough that I was hospitalized. It turned out that I had severe vitamin deficiencies. I was taking all of the supplements also, but my system was not absorbing enough. Have they done labs to check your vitamin levels? If, not I would start there. I also started to become resistant to antibiotics. You may ask your doctor for a broad spectrum antibiotic and instead of doing 7-10 days, do 14 to 20 days. Another thing I did was get the antibiotic in a liquid form, my doctor recommended this as we absorb more if it is in liquid form. I do hope you better soon.
   — dowens67

March 3, 2011
Thank you, I take good vitamins that are liquid and I have blood work done every three months and everything in blood works has shown things to be excellent.
   — tfqh99

March 8, 2011
You asked a very important question. I am going on 7 years post RNY. I just found out I MUST TAKE ALL MEDICINES IN LIUID FORM. Why? I found out they were passing right through my body because 80% of my small intestines have been removed, so I was not getting any benefit. This means, grind up the pills you need to take if you cannot get them in liquid form. I think the gel-capsules are OK as my 3 to 4 times a year blood work shows they are working fine (2 times normal -- 3 times normal gives me entirely too much B6, but 2 times normal doesn't. Too much B6 gives tingling toes and feet.) Knowledge of proper supplements/nutrition for our malabsorptive bodies is critical to continued long-term success. It is also so critical to remember why we have protein drinks and why we must discount by 50% the power of the protein drinks, to accommodate the fact we have lost the greater portion of our small intestines which assisted us in our weight loss annd helps us keep our small pouches and eat less. But, this means we must never ever forget to be careful of what we eat for the rest of our lives and be knowledgeable ourselves of what is good for our bodies and health. I was flabergasted when I accidentally found out I'd been wasting a lot of money all these years with SOLID pills that simply passed through my body without benefiting me at all. You are so new from your surgery, in your situation, your body is still wrestling with itself adjusting your immune system. Boost up your Vitamin C level significantly. I keep mine at the very hint of a sore throat to 3000 mg daily; otherwise 2000 mg. I've found at times, I need to dose at 8000 mg. daily. But, I never get colds or flu. Blessings, Christine
   — Christine Gibson

March 12, 2011
I'm not sure which procedure you had. I had the sleeve. I do believe my immune system has been compromised by the removal of the hormone that controls hunger. I get sick much easier and the illness takes me down quickly. If you find a good boost for your immune system, I'd like to know. I do all my vitamins faithfully.
   — Corina C

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