What are some suggestions on items to take to hospital with me?

I will be in hospital a couple days.    — DesertMommas (posted on March 23, 2010)

March 23, 2010
Lip balm,your own pillow,besides the hospital,you,ll need it on the way home.Tooth brush,comb and brush,little travel shampoo,conditioner. Basically the hospital supplies every thing.
   — rebecca W.

March 23, 2010
what about pj's? would you suggest a long gown or pants style? i really have a problem with the whole tushie showing hospital gown. will they let me wear my own garments if i bring them?
   — DesertMommas

March 23, 2010
Pj pants are fine,but your top piece is a no go,because of the IV,same for robe,the hospital likes to double gown,one front ways,the second one backways,which covers the rearview,lol!Remember your wounds can cause stains!
   — rebecca W.

March 23, 2010
*sigh* lovely. fashionable as I trek down the halls. Ugh. Thank you so much for your answer. I appreciate the help.
   — DesertMommas

March 23, 2010
Your Wecome.Congrats on your up coming surgery!
   — rebecca W.

March 23, 2010
I had a VSG last Monday and was allowed to wear loose fitting sweat/pajama pants and a t-shirt by the next day.
   — KristalleH

March 23, 2010
You may want to check with your surgeon as to where in/on your body your IVs will be. My surgeon started a picc line in my neck (not sure if it was in the jugular or the carotid) - sewed it in with about 4 or 5 stitches. And no, it didn't hurt a bit. It had about 5 different ports on it....that way, they could disconnect me when I went walking and showered and stuff. (When I showered, they wrapped saran wrap around my neck and taped it really well so that the picc line didn't get wet.) Anyways, because of where it was placed, I was able to wear my own robe, and didn't have to mess with the double-gowning. And when they would disconnect it, I could change my nightie, too. But the new hospital gowns, with the snap shut shoulders are really nice, too... they just lay it over you, and snap your arms in. And to tell you the truth, you won't be in there long enough to really care that much, I don't think. I took with me - oral care stuff, a travel-size shampoo and conditioner, my liquid bath soap (because I hate bar soap) and my bath puff, my deoderant, a pair of slippers (because I don't like those sock things) and my light seersucker robe. Ah....and another thing you might want to bring - a small electric fan. I was sooooo HOT in that room, and it did say in my "what to take to the hospital" pamphlet to consider bringing a fan. Most of us, being so overweight and all, suffer from the heat more than others, and they tend to keep the rooms warmer than we might like. I also brought with me a religious picture that I hung on the wall opposite my bed so that I could see it (I'm pagan, so it was a beautiful picture of The Goddess), and a small "traveling altar". Additionally, I brought a book I was reading, and a CD player with quiet music that I could listen to while I dropped off to sleep. I guess I would have brought my iPod, if I'd had it then. I think I listened to the CD player for about 45 minutes all total, and MAYBE read 5 or 6 pages of the book. It would have made more sense to bring a magazine with short little articles that I could read between snoozing. When I wasn't snoozing, I was walking, or visiting, or showering, or walking again, or drinking and keeping track of my input.
   — Erica Alikchihoo

March 23, 2010
My advice is bring your sense of humor and good attitude! They will go along way wile there. Also a robe to cover the "southern Exposure". Lip balm is a must & so is a pillow. They will provide most everything else needed. My big day is in one week for the RNY. Good luck & keep us posted.
   — SPIRIT2002

March 24, 2010
i brought way more then i needed the only things i used was the pillow for ride home, brush, chapstick(only used when first out), a magazine, slippers was way easier to slip into for walks then bending over to put on the socks they give you.i wore the same loose sweat outfit home i wore to the hospital. not sure if your hospital will provide toothbrush and toothpaste so maybe that if you dont wanna chance it. i only wore their gowns felt way better to not have any pants on pushing in on the stomach plus you will have a cathedar and they will constantly be checking incisions and iv and all. lots of luck with the surgery and a quick easy recovery =)
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 24, 2010
Thank you so much everyone for your help and good wishes on my surgery. I am overwhelmed. Thank you so much.
   — DesertMommas

March 25, 2010
Lip balm, small flashlight, EAR PLUGS, I had a roommate who snored. I did bring PJ bottoms and was glad I did, even for the 2 nights, but they will get stained. Wear very comfortable loose fitting clothes in to the hospital as your stomach will be distended and tender from the gas if you are having laparascopic surgery. Comfortable slip on shoes to walk in the hospital. Reading material, cell phone/charger. Sense of humor and positive attitude.
   — redheadedgirl

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