Has anyone else developed severe allergies after gastric banding? My sinuses are like a faucet that never turns off! I have had three allergy shots, four prescriptions, and taken so many otc meds I can't even count them. Had surgery on September 30th, had my first allergy shot on October 15th. Doctors all said that when cold weather hit, it would clear up. It is fourteen degrees today. Just how cold does it need to get? You would think anything caused by seasonal allergies would be gone by now. I am miserable every day, with constant sneezing, watery eyes, and runny nose. Anyone else been through this? Any suggestions? I will try anything at this point. — ladybugtx18 (posted on January 7, 2010)
January 7, 2010
Sorry to hear about your misery! Have you considered that the allergy may
be in something you are using now. The reason I ask that is..I found out
after surgery I was allerigic to the protein drinks I was trying to use.
The very slight amount of Iodine in them gives me a really bad reactions. I
wish you of luck in your weightloss and allergies.
— tootsie52
January 7, 2010
Have you considered getting tested for allergies? My wife is a nurse
practitioner, and she ordered a "home allergy testing kit" from a
reputable company online. The results that we got were quite revealing!
It seemed that I was quite allergic to SOY. I had been a strict vegetarian for over 20 years before that
discovery, and a HUGE part of my diet was made using soybeans (tofu is a
sort of soy cheese and I loved it). Once I started avoiding my triggers,
things got much better for me. My migraines became much less painful and
much less frequent as well. This is something you might want to try to
figure out. Another thought is that you could be allergic to the device
itself. Some people who are sensitive to allergens have been known to
become sensitized to the band itself. I discovered this fact after I got
my VSG. I was also looking at the band, but I am quite glad that I got the
VSG instead.
— hubarlow
January 7, 2010
I am very allergic to thimersol (the mercury component of iodine.) Can you
tell me which protein drink you reacted to? I have to make sure I don't
buy that one!
— [Deactivated Member]
January 8, 2010
I did undergo testing for allergies--an immuno blood test ordered by my
doctor--revealed no allergies.
— ladybugtx18
January 23, 2010
— angela14962002
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