i had GBP 2 months ago how long will it be before my stomach feels normal again ?

my left side really bothers me.    — cynthia1_2001 (posted on December 29, 2009)

December 29, 2009
I wish I had an answer for you. I had RNY 2.5 wks ago and my left side hurts too. I wonder why too.
   — leighg

December 29, 2009
The majority of surgeons do the bulk of the "work" for Laparoscopic RNY on the Left side of the Abd. So, a lot of tugging and pulling occurs through the incision on your left. Many post-op Pts complain of more pain and tenderness on the Lt side. I was unable to sleep on my Lt side comfortably for about 5 weeks. If you are continuing to have pain, tenderness or other symptoms on your Lt side after 2 months, you should be checking in with your surgeon. Take care and hope it improves.
   — looking4ward

December 29, 2009
my rny was 10-22 just a tad over two months ago.. and my stomach has been feeling back to normal for at least a month, but then again I had a classic no problem case. Finding out I was very lucky. Good Luck!
   — robynann

December 29, 2009
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, I had my surgery August 13, 2009, my stomach is still giving me problems. They say, it takes 6 months sometimes and I believe they are correct.
   — FSUMom

December 29, 2009
Of course... as we all say... everyone is different. My insides didn't feel "right" for about 3.5 months. I just had this feeling that things were "moving around", "trying to find it's place", "so uncomfy". My body finally settled down and everything moved to where it needed to be (finally) --- it will take some time. If you have some really issues (pain, vomiting, nausea, etc. see your PCP, ASAP).
   — jammerz

December 30, 2009
I had that left side pain for just over 2 months. My surgeon said it is a very common complaint, as there is a huge stitch there holding stuff (sorry, I can't remember the details of what it's holding..). It eventually dissolves, and you'll feel better. One day I woke up, and it was gone. I found sleeping in a recliner helped, as well as trying not to bend over too much during the day. If it's really bad, or your concerned, you may want to contact your doc. Hope you feel better soon!
   — maryjo68

December 30, 2009
I had my RYN Dec 9, I guess that I'm one of the lucky ones, I haven't had any problems so far with my stomach, it feels ok and back to normal. I have tried to listen to what my dr said to do and so far I haven't had any problems.
   — tmparker

December 30, 2009
Thanks for the info about the left side. I am 3 weeks post op RNY and was at times uncomfortable on my left side. Not really pain but more like a side stitch. Glad to know that it is normal. After 2 months, I would check with my doctor just to put my mind at ease. Best of luck.
   — Cynthia T.

December 30, 2009
Any day now. I was feeling yucky for 2-3 months. I am 5 months post-op and have lost 93 pounds and went from a size 24-26 to a size 10-12. Just give it time, it goes fast.
   — cathymeyerny

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