I have either a block artery or breast to large
I have completed 5 out of 6 nut, psychologists, pulmonologist, sleep study and cardiologist. I got my result back to day from the stress test and was told I have a block artery. I was so freaked the doc explained I will have to have a Cardiac catheter. The doc also said I may not have a blocked atery it may be a false reading due to my breast size. I saw the video and freaked again. I know some of you may have had this issue can you please give me some help on what will happen. is there anyway my breast size could give a false reading. And if I do have a blockage and they have to do a stent how soon after this can you have your surgery. Last thing what does the thoracic surgeon test for — sawwas (posted on September 2, 2008)
September 2, 2008
I had a scare the same but it wasn't due to my breast being large it was
because my body was large and my stress test came back abnormal. I went
thru the angiogram which wasn't bad at all it is usually out patient and
thank goodness no blockage. It is a simple procedure and most cardiologist
do tons of them a year. Not sure how long you would have to wait for
surgery though mine was done 2 years before. I hope this helps and wish
you the best of luck!
— lalabear110
September 2, 2008
Females can have a false positive from breast size. I had an episode of
chest pain and was hospitalized. I had a stress that was positive. The
cardiologist that read the test said he was certain I had blockage. My PCP
said he didn't think so. He thought it was positive due to my breast size.
I had a cardiac catheterization and had absolutely no blockage. I also am a
cardiac RN and have had pts. with the same result. Try not to worry about
the cath. It is a very common procedure. It is a blessing to have this done
and know that you have no blockage, so leave it in God's hands and believe
for the best.
— lmayes58
September 2, 2008
I had same thing happen as a result of my stress test. I had to have the
heart cath which did show a blockage and doc said I would need a stent. He
said if he used one kind of stent it would delay the surgery for a year--if
he used another kind it would only delay it 3 weeks. He felt it was safe
to delay any procedure until after the WLS. My WL surgeon wanted a second
opinion, and that doctor also said it was safe to have the surgery. I saw
my heart doc 6 weeks after my WL surgery and he felt like I was doing so
good that we could wait until this coming December and do a nuclear stress
test before we proceded further. Hope this helps. Good luck!
— ShirleyF
September 3, 2008
The same thing happened to me. My cardiologist did not believe the test
results were correct. He said that sometimes the cardiolite used can
result in a false positive. My EKG's were normal and I did not have any
symptoms of a blockage. They did a simple outpatient procedure, a CT
angiogram. It took less than half an hour and I got the results back later
the same day and everything was fine. Good luck and try not to worry.
Easier said than done...I was a wreck too. Hang in there.
— MastaP
September 3, 2008
A simliar situation happen to me about a year ago. I had my regular stress
test and other heart test done in the doctor's office and he told me that I
had a blockage. He also told me not to worry about it. Well, turns out he
was a quack. I went to another doctor and was freaked out that he did the
cardiac catheter to make sure that these test were wrong. I was put
through this unnesseary test for nothing and there was no blockage. Maybe
it was not totally unnessary because at least I changed doctors and there
was only the normal blockage that we all get from aging, the percent was
low. I hope this is the same for you. Doctors do make mistakes. Doctors
don't like to do cardiac catheter unless it is nessary. I have large fatty
breast as well. I hope this help you.
— Toby2
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