Can I continue breastfeeding just once or twice a day after surgery?

My baby is already 7 months old and does not need me so much for nutrition because he already eats some baby food and formula. My surgeon wants me to stop, but if it is not really dangerous for me, I would like to continue once or twice a day just 3 or 4 more months because it is much better for his immunity to diseases and such a shame to stop if it isn't really necessary.    — zimra (posted on August 26, 2008)

August 26, 2008
I would suggest to stop as you will have the pain medications in your system as well as the anesthesia for a few days. Plus, you have to think of the added pressure on the incisions and the added pain you may have. You want the incisions to "breathe" so they can heal better and you want to be comfortable as well. If you can pump ahead and freeze it that would be fine but I don't suggest breastfeeding after the surgery for your comfort and his safety not knowing how long the anesthesia and pain meds will be in your system.
   — Karen M.

August 26, 2008
I thought I might express and dump the milk for a week so I can continue later, only I don't know if that would be okay nutritionwise for me. There is almost no information available about this and it surprises me because I am surely not the first person with this issue.
   — zimra

August 26, 2008
I don't think it would be wise nutritionally for you or the baby. If your Dr. suggest you stop, I believe you should heed his advice. When breastfeeding you are supposed to add 500 calories a day to your diet. You will not be able to do that after your surgery.
   — rjh729

August 26, 2008
I agree with everyone. If your surgeon told you to stop, I would listen to him. Did he give you specifics as to why he wants you to stop?
   — barb12590

August 26, 2008
Ask your question at the pregnancy board...maybe there are reasons that your doc didn't explain that they might be able to... Good luck with everything!
   — .Anita R.

August 26, 2008
I think with the already limited caloric intake you'll have to commit to before and after surgery, you'll need them for yourself. I would recommend you not breast feeding after surgery per your surgeon's orders. I completely understand your desire to do so, just shows us all you are a committed mother. Good luck, Dawn
   — DawnVic

August 26, 2008
One of the reasons why your surgeon wants you to stop breastfeeding is that the weight, the fat you will lose will come out through the breastmilk. All the years of pathogenes and impurities, and any polution you have picked up was and is stored in your fat cells. You want to feed THAT to your baby?
   — cydthekid50

August 26, 2008
I too would suggest you stop ... for yourself. You are barely eating enough for yourself ... let alone enough for a baby too.
   — Tammy Cardwell

August 27, 2008
I agree with your surgeon on this one, you should wean asap, Your baby can take a lot of calories, depnding of how often and how much you are nursing. After surgery you will need all that for yourself in order to stay healthy. JOY
   — MadameJoy

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