Clarifyiing muscle stiffness

I needed to say that I am now 9 weeks post op and still get some stiffness. I have been working out as well but even when i sit for a short period of time, if takes a minute or two to get moving like i'm not 100 years old.    — bikermama (posted on July 11, 2008)

July 11, 2008
I am now 6 months post-op and know exactly what you are speaking about. I was accused of "acting" like an old woman. Every time I would get up to move, it would be so painful that I would just have to push forward. Most of the pain was located in my hips. I later found out that I have additional cartlidge and bone spurs built up in my hips from all the excess years of weight. But good news! I am no longer moving like an old woman. I can move around just fine now. I am sure the more weight you lose, the less this will be a problem for you. Hang in there.
   — Breathin4him

July 11, 2008
I'd say your speed of recovery depends on your age and health condition prior to the surgery. When you're working out, are you over-doing it and making the muscles stiffen up? If you just jumped into a full-fledged exercise routine after surgery after having been relatively sedentary prior to surgery, it could be partly due to muscle pain from making those muscles do things they're not used to doing. Keep doing the exercises, but vary the routine so you're not using the same muscles every day in your exercise. Do bike riding, walking or eleptical one day, weights or swimming or something the next...back and forth. When walking, you're not using the same muscles as weight lifting and vis-versa. Hang in there and keep up the good work. Holly
   — Hollywog

July 12, 2008
Did you have to stop taking your anti inflammatories for surgery? Do you have arthritis? I am able to exercise more than I used to which does cause me some soreness every now and then, especially when I forget to stretch before and after. I might suggest stretching, massage and/or beginner's yoga. Good luck, Dawn Vickers, RN, BLC, CLC
   — DawnVic

July 13, 2008
Take liquid vitmain and mineral supplement VEMMA. It is full of anti-inflammatories and helps arthritis pain. Go to
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 13, 2008
Did you have stiffness pre-WLS? Since you mention working out, I wonder if that might be related. Are you giving your body enough of a break between workouts? When you say "still get some stiffness", does this mean that at one point you were more stiff and it has improved? Good luck. Sid
   — mrsidknee

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