Has anyone noticed soreness or muscle pain or stiffness all over after rny?

   — bikermama (posted on July 11, 2008)

July 11, 2008
Like you got hit by a truck? Yes, especially in my thighs, calves and arms. Wore off by about 4 days after. You too? Laura
   — waterlover

July 11, 2008
Oh my yes....aches so bad that I would even cry sometimes through it. I would keep taking the liquid Tylenol and that helped some.
   — usfour

July 11, 2008
Probably because your body is compensating for the pain in your abdomen and you are walking using different muscles! It ALWAYS makes you ache when you compensate for stomach muscles...or any other muscles for that matter. I remember this too...
   — .Anita R.

July 11, 2008
I had it too! I remember it mostly in my calves! It went away though after about a week.
   — smarshall1975

July 11, 2008
I felt like I had been dragged behind a train. Partially because I had just survived major surgery, partly because I had to quit taking my anti inflammatories for my arthritis before surgery. I missed my Celebrex soooo much and was so miserable. The pain in my body hurt worse than my abdominal pain at times.... and I had open surgery. I ended up calling my massage therapist and let her come and work her magic. We also were lucky enough to have a Craftmatic adjustable bed in the family. My husband and a few helpers got it, put it right in the middle of my living room and I was able to adjust the head and feet to more comfortable positions rather than laying flat. I encourage everyone I talk to to rent one after surgery. Much more comfortable than laying flat in my bed which was impossible. I tried sleeping in my recliner, but got sore and restless. Enlist the help of your family and ask them to "get to rubbing please"? Put ice packs, not heat on the sore areas like your back for 20 minutes at a time, take your pain medicine and try to relax. I found that the reglan I had taken in the hospital gave me restless legs and I had a hard time relaxing them so my muscles got very sore. Now, soreness just in the back of your calves can be blood clots so be carefull about that. Feel better, Dawn Vickers, RN, BLC, CLC
   — DawnVic

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