Not feeling full...

I am two months post op RNY and I don't get the sensation of being full when I eat. Most of the time I make myself stop eating before I feel like I need to stop because I am afraid to push it. Why is it that I feel like I could keep eating? Tonight I went to a party and ate a whole plate of food. I didn't realize how much I was eating because I was socializing with people and taking bites periodically. Before I knew it, I had eating as much as my husband and I wasn't uncomfortable at all. What's up with that?    — Mary G. (posted on May 17, 2008)

May 17, 2008
Like you said...Don't push it. Your staple line is still healing and takes a long time. At two months out, you should'nt try to eat more than a half cup of food at a meal. You should also be eating soft foods at this stage. Use shakes to get all the protein between. I am five months out and I am still afraid of eating too much at one time, but luckily, I have a very full sensation (uncomforably so) very early in a meal. Remember, the ones that are not as successful with their WLS are the ones that "out eat" the surgery. You can eventually stretch your pouch back to hold alot of food, and make weightloss hard. Be careful, and good luck.
   — lesleigh07

May 17, 2008
RNY or Lap Bank. If you ads a RNY, your pouch is larger than normal, unles you were eating slider food. That is cheese, fruit and some vergatable. If you chew real good, it will slid right throuhg. Just don't push it again. You got this far, and there is a lot further to go, so make the tood do its jub and your do y0urs.
   — William (Bill) wmil

May 17, 2008
Some times I can eat more than normal...Often when you are at a party and eating casually, you tend to eat slower and talk and you drag out your meals to the point that you are "grazing"...People who eat like this regularly have found themselves on the gaining side...Myself included! I know how to graze! DON'T...Plain and simple. Take what you are going to eat and do it in your normal time frame...and don't continue eating. Get yourself a large glass of water and drink instead!
   — .Anita R.

May 17, 2008
Thank you so much everyone. I am taking in everything you've said! Thanks for the support!!
   — Mary G.

May 18, 2008
I still have alot of problem with not feeling full. I am 10 months out going to Dr. June 5th going ask him I been at a stand still for several months. I just stop myself after about 3/4 cup of food now carman wv
   — carman

May 18, 2008
Be careful, pushing your limit could cost you a tear in your pouch. Make sure that you are using self-discipline and not just depending on your pouch to do all the work Don't drink while you're eating, it washes the food down and make sure your plate is small and when you're done, call it quits. Yes you can fit more than you imagined, fear was probably your limit before. Self-discipline is the only thing that can stop you now.
   — bariatricdivalatina

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