14 months out and way off track....

I have lost 85 but still have a good 40 lbs to go before I am at my goal weight, and I've fallen off track horribly. It seems the only things I eat now are a new desk job, and have already gained back 5 lbs. I need to know if others have gone through this, and what they did to kick start themselves out of this plateau. I haven't lost anything for 7 months. It seems like I'm back at the beginning, with no motivation or self control.    — wecangetright (posted on March 26, 2008)

March 26, 2008
What kind of surgery did you have? If you have the band it is very easy to eat sweets. You dont have dumping with the band to stop you. You have to do something different. Dont do your every day things like you do. Change it up a little. But the best thing is, is that you know your doing something wrong. Not losing for 7 months is a long time and makes me think you had the band.
   — Joanc

March 26, 2008
I finally found someone with the almost the exact question that I have. I have lost less than you even. I have only lost 70 lbs. since surgery and have the same problem with sweets at my new desk job because theres a lady that brings candy in (choclates of course) my favorite and I know thats my problem, because I seem to be one of the unlucky ones that can eat all the choclate during the day that I want without getting sick, even after 4 mo. of surgery. Now I also seem to have my appetite back, (which I had surgery 15 mo. ago). I think the only thing thats kept me from gaining is exercising 3 times a week for 2-3 hours. Any suggestions from anyone for us would be great on how to getting out of this plateau. and self-control.
   — roberta45

March 26, 2008
You have the answer in your question...Your problem is the sweets, which is "the only things I eat now are sweets"...No one can help you but you, sweetie! You have to stop the sweets and bring your own healthy treats. Your surgery, no matter what one you had is only a tool. You are the operator. And you are not operating your machine properly and you KNOW it. Since you asked the question anyway...I must be honest and tell you...Get a hold of yourself and shake really really hard and say..."I must eat healthy the rest of my life and only eat these sweets in moderation!!!!" There!!!! Doesn't that feel better? Clean out your pantry and throw away or give away all the crap and then go shopping for food that is good for you and bring those to work! Start a trend! Put sugar free vitamin C candies on your desk...keep a baggie of almonds...Put a basket on your desk with all colors of fruit and watch how the office catches on! Even put out nuts you have to crack with a nut cracker and watch more people visit you than you visit them! Set an example! Be strong...You can do this!
   — .Anita R.

March 26, 2008
Nothing is on your profile page, so we don't know what type of surgery you did have. You probably need a source of healthy snacks. My suggestion is to take a 2-3 snack size zip lock bags. Put about 20 almonds in one, and 1/4 cup dried peas in the other 2. Dried peas have 6 grams or protein per 1/4 cup. Cheap too, $1.35 per pound. Are you exercising or drinking water? You could walk at lunch to get the exercise if you don't have time at home. Attend support meetings, as they offer support for people who have problems with their WLS.
   — Dave Chambers

March 26, 2008
Time to re up and turn it back around...Sweets are more like an addiction than a food. you just have to detox your way back out of there....Back away from the sugar.... I get into this predicament every time I diet and loose weight...the adidction and craving thing comes from no where my stomach I think. My Dad was in Alcoholics Anonomyous and somewhere along the way he told me that sugar and alcohol are like one teeny tiny difference in terms of the chemistry they create...I totally believe that. If you look at alcoholics they are up to their necks in donuts and sweets substituting for the alcohol. You just have to give up the sugar and do the detox will take 30 days to feel better but you have come this far...! Hey, good time to start..spring is coming and your spirits will be good. love and luck... ( Ps I'm no operation will be RNY because I am Hoping the dumping syndrome will discourage me from eating sugar! My primary addiction!) hugs and have some a long way...85 pounds is phenomenal!!!!must feel so much better!
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 26, 2008
Take high protein snacks (as was suggested) and buy sugar free chocolates to keep in your desk (or in a coworker's desk, if you would be too tempted!) for those days when chocolate is stalking through cube-ville. Also, start recording eveything you eat least keep a tally of protein vs carbs...and make sure the protein is winning! Good luck!
   — abeeba

March 26, 2008
See if you can attend some group meetings for WLS. It will give you that incentive you need to help you get back on track. I am 16 mos out and still attend groups. After going to one I feel soooo good and it helps me keep motivated. There is nothing wrong with attending one. Also, if you have your begining food books go back to the basics. Eat your protein first etc. Bring healthy snacks to work fruit if you can tolerate it. I count out 16 small pretzels, have an orange 1/2 in the morning and the other 1/2 in the afternoon or I do the same with an apple or some almonds. I do have the sf candy but limit how much I have. Again, the best motivation is the group... Best of Luck
   — niecie54

March 26, 2008
I agree with Niecie. Get some healthy snacks on board so you don't have the sugary things at hand. Most of all find a support group to go to on a regular basis and attend. You will be surprised at how your motivation will rise. Good Luck and God Bless, Norma
   — njkbutton

March 26, 2008
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought I had wrote this post, I am exactly where you are,except I do not eat sweets, got the dumping syndrome when I ate sugar accidentally (truth) so I have seriously stayed away, other than that we are the same, I too have not seen the scale move, but up 5 lbs. So i am also looking for advise. I can eat more now and I do not eat enough protein, not to mention the fact that carbs are my worst enemy. I also seem to eat only one protein meal a day, thats it, I am not hungry but am gaining slowly, what is up with that! I guess I should have started my own post but saw yours and bingo, same problem. Please email me with any good replys you get since you started the post and I cannot get emailed when someone posts here, I hope I can find it again. Anyway, I wish I could give you some advise but all I can say is you are not alone. I had the band and had it removed after being sick for a year then had a revision to the RNY, that is when I lost all the weight, I was doing so good, now its like I have flat tires or something and that 5 lbs is right in my gut, nice little roll in the middle, what cant the weight go somewhere else higher, like my chest where I desperately need it, LOL. Please keep me posted, I just ordered the protein pills so I hope that that helps a little bit. Diane
   — noboat4u

March 27, 2008
I am sending you an email with some vital info please read
   — jonicorona

March 27, 2008
Congrats on your success! It's very easy to go off track when you allow sugar and flour into your diet. You've had some great replies so far. Give your body what it needs. 2 oz of protein, 1 oz of veg, 1oz fruit three times a day with two of your protein drinks of choice. Once you've given your body what it needs, you can give the sweet tooth the sugar free popsicles or sugar free jello as a treat. They provide a lot of taste with little calories. Exercise and water are a necessity for all of us. I feel your frustration because I have had plateaus before that went on for months. I hope you will be able to find your motivation. I have my before picture on the wall of my desk to help keep me motivated. I am NOT going back there. Keep your chin up and think positive. This is temporary. Best wishes. Regina ([email protected])
   — Bigwyfan1964

March 27, 2008
Hi Katie, what you are going through is not unusual at all. I nibble on sweets, and have a tendance to do that. Here's the thing. You are an adult, and you make choices for what you eat. Just because we want something doesn't mean we have to have it. It doesn't matter to me if you eat or if you don't, but it does to you. You need a good talk with yourself and take responsibility for the choises you make. The choices are ours, but so are the consequences. If you choose not to, I am afraid 5 pounds will be the least of your worries, it will be much more than that. Surgery is only a tool, it helps the body, but does not fix the brain. Answers? Maybe weight watchers, or some program to help "reprogram" your habits, if you are too busy, how about reading a book on nutrition at lunch instead of just eating lunch. Throw the snacks away, and soap all your sugary treats and throw them out. A treat now and then didn't hurt anyone, but 5 pounds later, I think you have choices to make. Take care. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

March 27, 2008
14 mo, too! I believe I've discovered your same predicament. I've found I can eat "crap" and I'm not ill. I did better when I thought it was all still taboo! I found a website you need, look up the 5 day pouch test and follow it!!! It will get you back on track! It's still the same battle, just a smaller scale! Keep fighting!!=)
   — esobota

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